Thursday, June 27, 2024

An Open Vein to Hell


Bombs are dropping overseas

Frozen rainbows fill the room

Give the world more misery

Confusion grows like shrooms

Sell the slaves their liberty

At cost of other lives

Fill our shores with enemies 

And share their Third World strife

That’s what goes for equality 

You gave what you receive

The least to do was leave alone

Not blood upon the streets

You never did a thing for me

Salivating at the bell

You pushed the needle or held us down

An open vein to hell

Now you fill your military 

With lives that you destroyed 

All they learn is kill some more

Or they’re left unemployed 

The new vaccine has just been screened

On humans, birds and cows

Fill the vials with different things

And you’re the “Sweet Tooth” now

The ways you choose how not to lose

Won’t always pay so well

Be careful you don’t wash away

An open vein to hell

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