Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The Woke Corpse


It's interesting to watch the self-implosion of these "Woke" corporations.  Many have thrown out their anchors to hasten the sinking of their ships to the bottom.

But then again, it's all going to collapse very soon anyway.  And guess what corporations will be left standing?  Could it be the child grooming supporters of the Synagogue of Satan?

Chances are that we will end up getting our Bud Light grog and will like it because everything else has gone under.  

If you need new clothes, Target will be one of the few options.  Hopefully, you won't lose your child in a gender-neutral house of mirrors. 

We will have many channels to choose from, but they will all be part of the Disney network.  

I'm waiting for what grocery store chain will go "Woke" in the future.  But I suppose that they don't want grocery stores for us at all. 

The Banksters will collapse it all and leave the vilest sell-outs left standing.  Of course, many will be betrayed.

The same goes for our institutions.  

The military has the muscle to enforce our servitude to the "Woke" corpse.  

The horrific medical establishment requires no further explanation.

Higher education has been using blackmail for some time now, holding a degree over the heads of those not wanting to adhere to the agenda. Whatever field of endeavor you wish to get into, there is an underbelly that can only be revealed the deeper you go.  A life of compromise has begun.

Once they turned the churches into vaccination stations, it was all over for them.  What they have done is the anti-thesis of life.  

As for the employees that sold their souls to the corpse during all of this, even if their corporation survives, most will be replaced by AI.

There's nothing to sell to the dead anyway.  

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Reverse Polarity World

Through the years, I've often wondered how my life would have turned out had I not come from such a dysfunctional family.  But then again, maybe my parents felt the same way. 

The self-loathing of the abused makes it difficult to accept the love of others.  Betrayal at home leads to a lack of trust outside of those doors.

Had I lived in a home where I felt safe and loved, I suppose that I would've had a better life, drawing to myself what I asked for--just as I did for so long in my reverse polarity world. 

On the other hand, had I not endured what I did, perhaps I would've never pursued a life of investigation.  Unfortunately, the prisons are full of the abused who did not.  

The more sparse the spiritual and moral accommodations, the more we are forced to seek our answers elsewhere.

Maybe if all went well for me, I would've just blindly rolled up my sleeve, blindly supported these treasonous wars of aggression, and blindly had no idea of the hell approaching.

We cannot help what we are born into any more than we can alter our amount of melatonin.  But through the trials and tribulations of life can we find meaning.

When it comes to the psychopath, it appears that their self-loathing has morphed into the hatred of others.  But destroying the planet remains a form of suicide that no lies can cover.  

It is not that we need less people; it is that we need more love.  It is the abused from dysfunctional families that are currently causing so much destruction to our world today.  

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Flotsam and Jetsam

Talk show hosts running out of lines

Writer's strike replaced by AI

Robots running rampant down the grocery aisles

The Woke are getting their own styles

An up-and-coming audience

Fully vaxxed towards an early death


Who will they get to fight their wars

Illegal immigrants and the working poor

Push a few buttons and we're good to go

While generals hide the launching codes


Behind every rock hides a particular Tribe

That makes it illegal to tell our side

Find out who owns the money supply

And you'll understand why we fight, kill and die


When someone says things that you cannot

It means they are a stooge

Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump

I'm talking about you