Saturday, June 8, 2024

What Did You Learn?


What is it that you’ve committed

Dropping bombs from remote machines

Home for dinner with your family

Longer days feel more serene

Bought out churches spouting nonsense

About bowing down to man

But I demand a DNA test

No Bible backs Khazarians 

Climate change a war of terror

Where government attacks itself

Not unlike the vaccinated

Blame it all on something else

White coat gremlins starting sweating

Gaslit patients coming to

Stepping over family bodies

Soon they’re going after you

Trade your goodwill and compassion 

For a lie to hide behind

Only from your inner sanctum 

Will the chaos never find

For those who fell for “experts” bullshit

And for some reason could not discern

What you feel’s not always judgment 

Sometimes it asks, “What did you learn?”

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