Sunday, August 27, 2023

Game Show


Art Vark: "Welcome to America's #1 Game Show, 'No More Lies'." 

"For those of you new to the program, each contestant plays a role and the celebrity influencers asks them questions.  

"The influencer who reveals the true identity of the contestants will be deemed the winner, with the proceeds being donated to the charity of their choice."  

"We will return to our regularly scheduled programming and meet the contestants as well as the celebrity influencers after a word from our sponsors."

"...Brought to you by Pfizer."

Art Vark: "Welcome back!" Our first contestant is allegedly a nuclear physicist currently living in Los Alamos."

The man playing the part is attired as a computer nerd including glasses and a pocket protector.  

Art Vark: "Contestant #2 is a scientist conducting MRNA technology research for our next batch of life-saving vaccines."

The lady contestant is dressed in a lab coat with a stethoscope around her neck.

Art Vark: "And our final contestant claims to be a political lobbyist for a defense contractor in Washington, D.C."

Man dressed in a business suit with dead eyes and a steely smile looks into the camera.

"Now to the celebrity influencers," says Art.  "It's the Gossip Columnist herself, Jane Stream."  

The audience applauds and cheers.

"Please give a round of applause to Best Supporting Actor nominee, George Barnes."  

The audience applauds.

"And say hello to our most celebrated celebrity of all, Harpo Windfall."

Lackluster applause from the audience.

You start, Jane.

Jane Stream to the nuclear physicist:

"Can you tell us a little about your work in New Mexico."

Nuclear Physicist: "I'm part of a group of megalomaniacs that build bombs that can blow up the world."  

Jane Stream to Big Pharma R&D Scientist: "Are these vaccines really safe and effective?"

R&D Scientist:  "Of course not.  It was a 'bait and switch' from the beginning.  After we could no longer hide the breakthrough infections, we just stopped collecting the data.  The ICU numbers reported back then were basically the opposite of what the public was told.  Most dealing with severe respiratory problems were the vaccinated."  

"We locked down the hospitals, kept the patients and the deathcare professionals from the prying eyes of their families and killed them by the millions with our medical treatment where we made more money off of their dying."  

"But with all the money that I made from my pharmaceutical stocks after cashing out, it's all just gravy at this point." 

Jane Stream to political lobbyist:  "Looks like the Ukraine debacle has become an economic boon for your defense company."

Lobbyist:  "You better believe it!  There's nothing like the "fog of war" to rob the people more without them even knowing it." 

Jane Stream: "Please explain."

Lobbyist: "We can steal the resources of both the people we invade as well as the people back at home who finance it.  It makes little difference to us as long as we get our cut."

Art Vark: "Thank you, lobbyist.  Now let's have our next celebrity, George Barnes ask the questions."

George Barnes to Nuclear Physicist:  "Why is cesium 137 so high in the Pacific Ocean?"

Nuclear Physicist:  "How would I know?  I work in the desert."  

George Barnes: "Has your fraternity changed its stance regarding "Mutually assured self-destruction?"

Nuclear Physicist:  "Hey, I just make the product.  I'm not responsible for how it's used."

George Barnes to lobbyist:  "Looks like you and the nuclear physicist are a match made in hell.  Do you work directly with nuclear corporations to sell your product?"

Lobbyist:  "I know nothing of such things."

George Barnes to R&D Scientist:  "I've noticed that other big pharma drugs are being exposed for causing symptoms that your own research has shown to also be affiliated with the vaccines.  

R&D Scientist:  Yes, we have no problem with throwing our other medications "under the bus" as long as those problems are not associated with the vaccine."

George Barnes:  "Why don't you want the truth to be known?"

R&D Scientist:  "We have the next round of boosters coming soon for a disease that we will release inside the vaccinated.  It won't be a rebranded flu this time but something much more deadly.  We will scare them into taking the very thing that kills them while we profit from their misery by selling them more of our drugs on the way out.  

Art Vark:  "Thank you for your questions, George.  Now onto our next celebrity, Harpo Windfall."

She is met with boos from the crowd.

Art Vark:  "Looks like the worm has turned, Harpo.

Harpo ignores him.

Harpo Windfall to the R&D Scientist:  "How many vaccinations can we take before we are safe from disease?"

R&D Scientist:  "Take as many as you like.  And remember to make others feel guilty about it who don't.  There's nothing like having our product influencers bully others who won't try it.  Our corporate line is that coercion assures success."

Harpo to Defense Contractor Lobbyist:  "Are we getting to the end of the Ukraine war?"

Lobbyist:  "I sure hope not.  There's no money to be made with peace.  We needed you to propagandize the war like you did the vaccines.  But you don't appear to be so popular anymore."

Harpo ignores last remark and bombards the nuclear physicist with questions.  

"How many x-rays can you receive before you are at risk for cancer?"

"Why is radiation treatment used to treat cancer when we know that radiation causes cancer?"

"How much radiation from the Fukushima disaster is currently being poured into the Pacific Ocean?"

Nuclear physicist goaded into controlled outburst.

Nuclear physicist (looking directly into the camera):  "Because we want these useless eaters dead.  We are killing most of you in ways you can't even begin to imagine, and we have much more misery in store for you soon!"

Art Vark: "Uh, yeah.  Thanks, Scientist."

Nuclear Physicist continues to confront Harpo.

"And since we're on the subject, why do properties have a tendency to burn up all around you while your land is never touched?  And Maui is not the only example."

Art Vark (interrupts): "Now for a word from our sponsors and we'll be right back to find out who is telling us the truth.

Commercial: "Look how his jump suit matches his hair!"

"Finally, a hair spray for Conservatives!" says the paid actor.

"Pick up a can of Devolve Hair Products today."  

Art Vark:  "Welcome back to the programming.  Let's have the great Gossip Columnist, Jane Stream, give us her take on who is telling us the truth."

Jane Stream:  "The nuclear physicist is an imposter.  Part of the training is to never let your feelings be shown and the best are conditioned from childhood.  This guy was too emotional."

"As for the defense contractor and the drug developer, they both sound legitimate to me."

Art Vark:  "Okay. Now let's hear what George Barnes has to say."

George Barns:  "Hell, I think they're all legitimate."

Art Vark:  "That leaves Harpo Windfall as the final vote."

Harpo Windfall:  "The so-called nuclear physicist was mean to me, so he wasn't for real.  As we know, everybody loves me."

Harpo ignores the boos from the audience.

Harpo Windfall: "Although I may not respect what these contestants do, I do respect the office.  Without nuclear bombs, biological weapons and endless warfare, we wouldn't ever be able to get away with murdering millions for the purpose of population control.

"True diversity and equity mean killing off millions around the world.  We're mostly focused on eliminating white people right now, but we've always enjoyed killing off indigenous people and stealing their resources."  

"When those numbers reach the billions, only the billionaires will be allowed to walk free in a world of slaves!" 

Art Vark:  "Uh, Harpo, can you just say who you think is telling us the truth?"

Harpo to Art Vark:  "Well, it sure as hell isn't me."

Harpo takes off a 3D printed mask that looks just like her only to reveal Gil Bates underneath.

Gil Bates: "The truth is that all of these contestants are under my employ as they take my money for their compliance."  

"I basically have more power than anyone on Earth and have shaped the system to do my bidding."  

"If you are part of any of these professions, I thank you for your service, but we simply don't need you anymore.  Artificial intelligence has taken over our military as well as our corporations that they now work for and enforce their will."  

"The challenge is to keep enough of the human enforcers alive to do our bidding while still killing them off with our vaccines."

"It's a tricky situation, but our machines are almost ready for the transition."

George Barnes pulls out a gun and starts shooting at Gil Bates.

George Barnes: "Die, you murderous bastard!"

Gil Bates laughs as the bullets go right through him.  

Gil Bates:  "As you can see, it's not really me but a hologram.  I no longer affiliate with the great unwashed vaccine shedders."  

George Barnes is seized by the nuclear physicist who is really a robot with an emotional glitch that drags him off-stage.  

Art Vark:  "As you can see, it's another exciting day here in America.  And remember, depression is a life-long misery that you can never come back from.  Be sure to schedule your appointment with the euthanasia centers today."  

"Of course, if you wish to have a more circuitous route to an early grave, just take your next booster."

"And since there's no real winner on the show today, let's send all the proceeds to Ukraine to help with the war and our fight for freedom."  

"Just remember to give 10-percent to the Big Guy."



Thursday, August 24, 2023

Ship the Shill


Cover-up man for catastrophe

From Las Vegas to Lahaina

Sweep it all under the rug

And leave the truth behind ya

A show of feigned intensity

He tells us to wait for proof

And all the while the lone gunman

Had shooters on the roof

You can bet that nothing will be solved

As it's all been turned to ash

Until you know how hot wood burns

Their storyline is trash

Now ship the shill to the new kill zone

To stall the next investigation

An expert in the rate of fire

Could cover up alien invasion

If you want to shoot things up

Or just watch something burn

The price of poker just went up

Give Pelletier a turn

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Artificial Paradise


Those in control are currently in the process of creating weaponized weather war-zone penal colonies.  

The aftermath of the Maui fire is a good example.  The enforcers ran the people in circles, not allowing them out of the fire zone.  They also have not allowed outside assistance and we're still not sure where most donations are going.  

Of course, the financial benefits come after the destruction.  Ocean-front property left to the elite while the indigenous people will be given the smart-city life more inland which will be rebuilt from the ashes of the manufactured fires.  

Mind-melding entertainment is in store for all living in their artificial paradise.  Virtual reality, A.I. sex dolls, insect smoothies and non-stop media propaganda will run one day into another.

We are all now subject to these government-orchestrated eco-terrorist attacks where one event can turn a community into a technological prison camp.  

"Shock and awe" is now about dropping catastrophic weather patterns on us.

As the diseases accompanying these events begin to flourish (perhaps with a little help from "science"), their solutions will be the same for all--MRNA spike protein injections.  This will be in all of their vaccines as well as other treatments.  

At this point, I'm not sure how to stop it.  If enough resisters live in a certain area, they can be targeted next.  That's how bad this has become.  

All I know for sure is that if we don't face the truth about what is really going on and who is responsible, we are all a weaponized weather event away from enslavement.

Do you hear any of our presidential candidates talking about any of this?  If they're not going to talk about the technology used to alter our DNA, why would they tell us about the technology they have to manipulate the weather?  

Keeping you from understanding that you are being exterminated by your own government is a matter of national security.  

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Bombs Away


I'm waiting for the extra-terrestrial strawman to be blamed for the next batch of fires.  Once the evidence becomes too overwhelming that these fires did not occur naturally, they're going to need a "Plan B."

It's not that aliens don't exist; it's that they are often used as "red herrings" to divert attention away from government mischief.  Once they're ready to bring us together to fight the common enemy, I'm sure the alien menace will be used heavily in their narrative.

Everything has gone so "deep fake" that I'm not sure what is true anymore.  When we see the religious avatars suspended in the sky, will they be real or a hologram?  Then again, maybe it's all a hologram.  

Here in America, each state has been targeted by their government in their own special way.  The same goes for countries.

Starvation due to destroyed crops and food warehouses, DEW fires that liquify glass, DNA-altering medical treatment, genocidal wars, power failures, crumbling infrastructures and sanitation systems, GMO food, the deliberate poisoning of the air and water, etc.  This is going to get really nasty for all of us soon.

I remember watching an interview of a lady that survived one of the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Japan.  She said that her city was previously left alone while the Allies were bombing everywhere around them.  They were being saved for the big event.

Personally, my money is on dollar collapse this time around.  When so many are deprived of their true source of worship, that's when the real chaos and destruction will ensue.  If you don't believe me, just remember all of the lying murderers, mandators, gaslighters and enforcers that have already pushed liquid death upon their own people in return for money.  

What will become of them after the Sheckels that they sold their souls for have lost all of their value? And what sort of threat will those with nothing left to lose be to the rest of us?

And in the middle of all this, they could run their next batch of boosters and/or 5G frequency bursts to our brains.  

The bombs dropping on us today are our own.  

Saturday, August 12, 2023



Paradise is burning

Driving people to the sea

Where Fukushima radiation

Is the only place to flee

Flood and fire across the nation

Waiting for one to ascend

But when both are brought together

They will finally meet their end

Then comes the devastation

Tainted water on the tap

Now it mixes with the sewer

Typhus and cholera on the comeback

Be sure not to take the antidote

While in the euthanasia line

As long as you know where you're at

Then you should be just fine

There's always someone to point things out

With most information on your phone

But after the next cyberattack

We'll all feel so alone

To isolate and capture

One group before the rest

The pride of Nazi history

Awaits their final test

Send troops into communities

Once it becomes too late

No matter who's been targeted

We live in a Police State

Too many nanoparticles to count

Even without the vaccines

Along with all the shedding

We're all subject to their schemes

Perhaps our lives are being run

By holograms in masks

And maybe the first casualty

Is for us to do their tasks

Their entire dark fantasy

Needs our energy to prevail

It's time to stop protecting them

And let them rot in hell

Let's hope our souls are sorted out

In our merger with machines

Throw it all into another batch

And let the dross burn clean

May the tears of God intermingle

With the good and with the bad

As we're fighting for the single

Most important thing we have

Our humanity

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Doctor, Doctor

As one could easily tell from my previous articles, I have little sympathy for those who have in the past and continue to push the bioweapon injections. Deadly drug pushers on children at this point are either fools or depopulation freaks.  

But not all suckers are created equal.  Enter those who have put their faith in doctors.

By the time we reach old age, most of us have either had our lives saved by the treatment of a doctor or their treatment kept us from being crippled or maimed.  

Battlefield medical care for acute injury is an American specialty for obvious reasons.  But it is the so-called prophylactic and treatment for chronic disease where the snake wraps itself around the pole and the Rockefeller pharmaceutical industry most flourishes.  

We now know that most of the "legal" drugs used for treatment of chronic disease often cause problems worse than the disease itself.  This requires more drugs to treat conditions caused by other drugs.  

It's a good Ponzi scheme until too many patients start getting sick at once (including the medical staff) and there's not enough money to cover them all.  That's when they start taking people out of the hospitals and throwing them into the street:

(259) ‘It’s like I’m worthless’: Troubleshooters investigate patient dumping allegations - YouTube

Also, the high morbidity and mortality rates eventually cause the insurance companies to shut down as they too are Ponzi schemes.  

In a sense, all of our hospitals are run by sadists with their desperate patients their victims.  It defies reason why any of these charlatans in white coats should ever be trusted again.  And their situation won't get any more tenable with time as "all-cause" mortality continues to skyrocket.  

But soon, they will be pushed back into their specialty of treating acute trauma as this is where the American people are headed.  

If we're lucky, they'll keep us alive long enough with one treatment to later kill us off with another.  

Only those who have been kicked out of the system for non-compliance have my trust.  I hope that they will come together and give the people the alternative healthcare needed to help us survive after the coming collapse.  

The rest should be brought up on charges as they have been the most influential in convincing their patients to destroy their lives by taking the shot.  

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Universal Language


America has become the most evil country on earth.  And every American knows it whether they are willing to admit it or not.  Good people now appreciate the words of the leaders of our enemies more than they do our own politicians.

Not only is America being isolated from countries abroad, it has also become isolated by warring factions at home.  This is what it looks like to be on the way out.  One positive thing about the impending collapse is that it will force people to come together.  

I watch these SHTF videos and wonder what it means to prepare for killing your unprepared neighbor who has attacked you.  I guess many of us will find out soon.  

Like every other group, military veterans after collapse will be filled with both good and bad.  And the good ones will have to help protect us from the bad ones in our communities.

Personally, I'm thinking about learning Spanish and heading South of the Border.  But I'm afraid that many of us will soon be where everyone has been provided with the universal language.  

If we don't find it on this side, we will on the other.