Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Boarder Bums


As we can see Airbnb 

Makes money by the day

But convert to monthly rentals 

And the profits go away

You paid too much for real estate

You made from your last sale

But now you cannot list it as

Your own 5 star hotel

Bidding wars without inspections 

Maintenance is coming due

HOA demands donations

No money left to see it through

Throw your people in the street

And bring in the Boarder Bums

They may be squatting in your house

And looking for your guns

The bird flu scam is coming soon

With vaccines already paid

Illegals remain free to choose

The rest get more mandates

It’s not that they don’t want you dead

It’s just some groups come first

You’re memories are from bombs we dropped

Not the homeland of your birth

Here at the end we finally see

That we’re like all the rest

Invaders from the far country

The natives left bereft

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