Saturday, May 22, 2021

Alien Reject

Put a skyhook on my tiny home

To rise above the combat zone

Astral travel’s the life for me

No more Earthling misery

Sorry Jesus, I can’t wait no more

The world is falling into war

The house is now lifting

I fall to the ground

The rush of wind

Is the only sound

With a solid landing

I open the door

“What did you bring me back here for?”





Thursday, May 20, 2021

Asymmetrical Warfare


Death by Fiat

Hocus Pocus forget about focus

How does your bank statement grow?

Just hold out your hand and follow my plan

To take it away real slow


I’ll pick up the pace

As we enter the race

Money-printing beyond all control


Electronic coins

Will soon be purloined

Leaving government/banker crypto

“Competition is a sin”




I was born and raised

To be a good slave

To a god above his own laws

With our leaders the same

I had to reframe my knowledge of right and wrong


Questions asked and unanswered:

Was the recent cyberattack on the oil pipeline:

a.      A false flag.

b.      A hoax.

c.       A way of hiding rampant inflation behind a pack of lies.


Was the ship that blocked the Suez Canal:

a.       A put-up job.

b.      A way of hiding rampant inflation behind a pack of lies.

c.       Both a and b.


How long can psychopathic politicians justify their behavior by comparing themselves to other psychopathic politicians who have gotten away with the same behavior in the past?

a.      Forever.

b.      Who cares--I want my UBI!

c.       The answer is “Blowin’ in the Wind.”


President Biden’s Maskless Costume Ball has Democrats balking and Republicans following the advice of the demented liberal clown.  What other times have Republicans done the bidding of their so-called enemy while liberals were predominately opposed?

a.       War.

b.      War.

c.       War.

d.      War.

e.       All of the above.


What happens if lifting the mask mandate creates super-spreader events putting us back in lockdown?:

a.       The vaccines are proven to be ineffective.

b.      Another major false-flag is orchestrated within the next two weeks to detract from the results of bogus vaccines.

c.       Government playing hop-scotch with unemployment benefits and business openings and closings.

d.      Lifting the housing moratorium.

e.       Economic collapse.

f.        Riots and looting.

g.      Run to the hills.


How many police officers seen on video committing torture and murder here at home were recruited from the battlefields of the Middle East?


Smoke without Mirrors

Sanctuary cities on fire

Lit by those lost in the flames of the America Dream

Order-followers being turned on by their own

Things will soon be what they seem


Saturday, May 15, 2021


Authors note:   I’m starting to get pop-ups before entering my site warning me that personal information could be stolen from those visiting this site.  I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work here where I have never asked for any donations and don’t follow the tracking systems of the few readers here that have been put in place by the software developers of this blog.  

What I write will not be tolerated by those in power for very much longer.  No matter.  The journey will just become more personal, as is necessary here at the end.   The entire game is about seeing through the ruse and that the illusion of freedom only lasts as long as your compliance. 

Run silent—run deep. 

Amidst the cacophony of chaos surrounding us, let us seek the tranquil state of mind where we can receive some necessary guidance from our good friends, logic and reason. 

First, we must put aside our differences that carry us away with strong emotion as our friends are quite bashful and do not like loud noises and scary stories.  They come to you most strongly in your solitude and you have every right and perhaps even a responsibility to tell us what they have told you, as they are so seldom heard from these days. 

But our friends will run from you if you take your marching orders from your externally manipulated emotions.  Actions taken from these emotions now threaten to destroy the planet.

There is a proper way to entice our friends into giving us a visit.  They can be invited in but any threat against them to do so will cause them to vanish into thin air, leaving the person lost and susceptible to the whims of another master other than their own minds. 

And to know whether I am on the right track, this is what my friends have told me:  You need to remain within the conflict of being lost for as long as it takes.  You must seek the wise council of logic and reason.  You must wait for them to give you the full story on just how far away from them you have been.  You must first see the error of your own ways. 

Your greatest mistake is your unwillingness to remain in your ignorance until receiving the wise council from your true authority.  For your friends would never threaten and force themselves upon you as do the cosmic waste products that most so blindly serve. 

Everything being done right now is about distorting the receptivity of an individual necessary for our friends to flourish.  But progress can still be made by taking their sound advice. 

Before the silence of the grave, we are meant to seek the stillness of our minds.  We understand quickly that we cannot be successful in this endeavor of ourselves.  But we can create an openness in which our friends can enter when they feel it is safe.  And then the illusion begins to melt away.

One should be most welcoming to their friends.  They will introduce you to other friends who have no names at all.  Just a knowing.    

They will prepare you for what is to come.     



Tuesday, May 4, 2021

On the Way Down


"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."—Prince Philip

Recently, I watched a video depicting the millions currently dying in India due to the virus.  Unfortunately, the videos of the funeral pyres could be a portent of things to come for the rest of us.

As the person on the video alluded to, what if this virus is now mutating in a way that is currently taking out those with stronger immune systems?

India was never hit like this until now.  Was it because of their hardened immune systems due to living in an overpopulated cesspool that saved them while the overweight, drugged out, locked-down Westerners have been so easily killed off with the previously diluted version?

How many shots do you think you’re going to need before this is over, slaves? They give children over 20 shots in their first 15 months of life.  Seems like our government feels that we have been neglecting our adult vaccines and booster shots.   

And how are these “free” vaccines being paid for? How much stock do our politicians and medical “experts” have in these pharmaceutical companies?  Do the higher-ups receive a different vaccine than we do?  Is that how Trump could “Rise from the dead on the third day” from the hospital? 

It could be that we are only now being herded into the abattoir of a true “killer virus,” a new mutation that could be as deadly as any of the killers of the past.  If you think that the scare tactics of taking the vaccine are bad now, wait until the mass graves and breaking out the plastic caskets our government has been storing for us. 

The virus and its accompanying vaccines have already sent “The Great Planetary Cull” off to a good start.  Now it comes down to what percentage they want to die from the virus/vaccine before their next event steals the show.

(Un)Natural disasters, financial collapse, food riots, active shooters with accompanying gun control measures, domestic terrorism, overreaching surveillance and increased taxation for everything including the air we breathe are but a few examples of what this collapsing empire still has to offer.  They may even throw in “The Alien Menace” before this is over.  And the scariest part is that it may be for real.

With that being said, I think it best not to believe that the virus has run its course quite yet.  These times could be just another data point on the way down.  

After all, Prince Philip died only recently.