Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A Crippled-up Army


A spell cast in fear

With truth left behind

The new trail of tears

For all human kind

I wish it was easy

A superficial attack

But it takes a sledgehammer

To get our minds back

I went to a funeral

Ashes shoved down a tube

Is this really

The best we can do

No one spoke of what killed him

He was old anyway

But what of young people

Who have died the same way

A crippled-up army

A jab in the back

Do I still need to tell you

We’re under attack

Now the sick and the dying

Cause it all to break down

Where to build the next fear base

That the people surround

The Avian flu scare

A modified strain

Kill four-legged and feathered

Easier to contain 

Then get enough of the frightened

Lost in repetitive words

Like safe and effective 

And America first

Now here comes the shedding

And the flare-ups again

A crippled-up army

Right before it begins

The fentanyl zombies

And arthritic old aged

With the high-ranking trannies

There’s no Russians afraid

I sure hope that we make it

One last option to try

A simple solution 

Do not comply

A crippled-up army

Is beginning to find

We’ve been left to God’s mercy

All will see it in time

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