Tuesday, June 25, 2024

No Pain, No Gain


Awakening is rooted in suffering.  Those who come into it are filled with life's failures.  The difference between them and those completely lost in the external is that even the end result of being "successful" in the eyes of the world feels like a failure.  Just listen to the celebrities and entertainers in Hollywood tell their stories.  

Something is missing, and nothing taken from the outside world can replace it.

Most still can't leave their "comfortable lies" behind especially when it comes to justifying atrocities.  The self-abuse and denial of a person that receives their 10th booster is like someone running out of skin surface area for their next tattoo.  For some, their illustrated bodies have become a map that nobody else wants to follow.  

But it could be worse.  At least most appear to be waking up when it comes to the destructive tendencies of these shots.

The propagandist echo chamber of war is a generational form of mass hypnosis.  Anyone signing up to participate in this murderous madness at this point is up there with the 10th booster poster boy.  And get this--they both think they're doing it for our protection!   

Of course, over time, these mentalities become the greatest menace to both our health and our freedom.  If they bring back the draft, does anybody in their right mind find it beneficial to fight a war abroad with our own borders left wide open at home?  It will only expedite the nationalized assisted suicide of its own populace going on here. 

I suggest that you fight the war here on your own property.  You won't get to keep the land of the peasants that you kill over there anyway.  That will be left for the imposters you fight for; you know, the "eternal victims" that continue to expand their wars to other lands.  

How much more pain do we need to endure?  As much as it takes to either wake up or get out of the way of those that do.  It's the difference between growing pains and dying pains.  We suffer needlessly when living in denial.  And it always brings more suffering.  

We are here to learn.  When we are ready to do so, nothing teaches like pain.  (Un)fortunately, there looks to be no lack of it coming our way in the near future.  

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