Friday, August 16, 2024

Service to Silence


Israel is getting ready 

For its next false flag

To take the heat off the freak 

Who likes to wear drag

Between the two war narratives 

It’s hard to keep straight 

But they’ve all been an expansion

Of stolen land in ‘48

It’s when they took a country 

At the end of the war

We’re told that they deserved it

Since they had it before

But prior to then Palestinians 

And Jews lived in peace

Until hell gave the Khazarians 

The “Master Race” speech

Not much proof about the ovens

And the leaked Zyklon B

Too many holes throughout the story

For the gas to run free

When you’re the face of genocide

No excuses remain

Without embodying the constant

That they both are the same

But now a new mentality 

Is taking a hold

It doesn’t seek out color

And religion’s a mold

You become your own physician

And don’t serve king or Pope

You know by service to silence

You’re surrounded by this moat

And you should see by now

That you’ve been stranded out here

The drawbridge won’t come down

Until intention is clear

Or if you like go live your lives

For fools playing god

And you can serve as legion

In the kingdom of ZOG

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