Monday, August 26, 2024

Fight Club 2.0


Remember the movie, "Fight Club," where mostly young white men were convinced into beating the hell out of each other?  Remember the dissociative disordered main character who quoted medical books for dummies saying things like:

"I am Joe's common bile duct."

"I am Wilma's fallopian tubes."

"I am Netanyahu's white skin."

Okay, I just added the last one; but it is worth addressing, is it not?  If he's going to play the part, this so-called descendent of Abraham could use a suntan.

The only way to justify what continues to occur in the Middle East is that the war supporters are brainwashed beyond repair.  Do they not see what is now inside their own gates?

"Nail-drivers need love too."

"God prefers the schizophrenic mind."

"Treason is freedom."

These are the sort of mantras for "Fight Club 2.0."  But making soap out of America's fat ass should remain in the sequel as it is the perfect profession with plenty of (un)natural resources.

Obviously, it doesn't really matter who wins when the launch of the next bioweapon is upon us while the candidates say nothing, including Junior.  His book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" reveals that he's walking into the most evil government controlled by the most evil people on earth. 

And yet, it looks like the biggest competition between parties is about promising a foreign country their complete allegiance as well as handing over to them our weapons and military personnel.  The "winner" will be the one who promises the most.  

Both parties (parodies really) are continuing to push state and federal laws making it illegal to say anything against "the Synagogue of Satan" and their sadistic front groups.  

And yet most still fail to realize why their country is collapsing around them even after handing their money supply over to a foreign agent.  

All that money goes to Israel now.  But ironically, it won't save them from what they have coming.  It's why it is being brought to their door.  

Welcome to the open gates of hell, America.  You threw away a country by bowing down to imposters.  

We’re all in their movie now.

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