Sunday, August 11, 2024

Conjured Heroes


Good man sets himself on fire

Before he’d ride their Trojan Horse

He wouldn’t kill innocent civilians 

A broken pier knows no recourse 

Bushnell scoped a fiery future

Before he was consumed in flames

Trump/Biden coup and Bitcoin failure

No need to lie when on your way

Former Marine and Weapons Inspector 

Reveals who they really serve

Attack a man to hide their treason

He gave them more than they deserve

The PCR test inventor

Said it will capture anything

Dead just before they started testing 

Now they’ll use for bird flu strains

Doctor warns about the dangers

Of vibration, resonance and frequency 

Will breach the nano-lipid barriers

Releasing dangerous disease

He said they shot him up with poison

Just before he passed away

Doc Buttar’s words are still important 

The truth could come out any day

For those who fell for the deception 

And took the shots for them to see

May they speak up for our protection 

Against their next enforced vaccines

To conjured heroes and false flag saviors

We’ve come to get our planet back

We follow only our true natures

We won’t succumb to your attacks

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