Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lost Weekend


Hidden inside a cubicle

Smell of death gives her away

Phone ringing in an empty room

Then that haunting voice-mail game

Just another casualty 

In a world that doesn’t care

Not enough to find her missing

With other bodies everywhere 

It’s all gone so automated

No common areas to share

We’ve just returned from a lost weekend

And didn’t know she was still there

These things can be expected

Since the year of the vaccine

More surveillance should be implemented 

To clear the post-traumatic scene

Your Grandma died of loneliness 

Your children’s hearts gave way

A mobile human sacrifice

Outside the DNC display

We need to take life’s resignation

And remove them from the space

With a little disinfectant 

Anyone can be replaced

So always push for more protection 

Not just for those that move and breathe

Keep alert before the next lost weekend

Becomes a common anomaly 

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