Friday, July 19, 2024

The Big Show


The Trump "assassination attempt" narrative continues to fall apart.  At this point, it's obvious that the Secret Service was complicit.  All that remains is determining whether or not Trump was in on it too. 

Those refusing even to entertain this possibility are poor scientists indeed!  They are the equivalent of the "Boosters" on the Left that demand little to no information contradicting their beliefs.  The saddest part is that even their so-called beliefs are not their own.  

Hulk Hogan recently addressed the crowd at the RNC.  His appearance alone reveals just how far the "Grand Old Party" has fallen. And the question remains:  Are they having a good laugh at us?

I wonder what it feels like to be driven away by a contingent from the same group that just tried to have you publicly executed?  Where are those syringes and heart attack machines when you need them?

In professional wrestling, the outcome has been determined before the match begins.

Hulk Hogan’s FULL SPEECH at RNC + signature SHIRT RIP for Trump (

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