Monday, July 22, 2024

A Babysitter’s Curse


Be careful what you’re thinking

Be careful what you do

Be careful where you’re going 

When Big Brother’s after you

Now all our politicians 

Are owned by billionaires 

They run the highest office

Controlled by Palantir

“While you are watching them

Then we are watching you

Make sure you don’t step out of line

Or we’ll replace you too”

Advance a corporate monkey

Full control a shot away

Or use him as a scapegoat 

If it fails to go their way

Babylonian babysitters

Reveals we’re out of time

This is what we get

When foreign agents run the line

Prepare for new atrocities 

Committed in your name

Without your carbon signature 

Then you will get the same

The one just pooped his diapers

The other screams and shouts

When do we get some adults 

And throw all these children out

Be careful what you wish for

A babysitter’s curse

Just because the one’s a bastard

Doesn’t mean you can’t get worse

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