Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Payment for Pain


Lobotomies and ECT

Bleedletting and trephining

Acidic chemotherapy 

Why would you not roll up your sleeve

SIDS and SADS come out the same

Some deaths reserved for later days

“Your child’s just going through a phase”

Will get them hooked cradle to grave

Illegal drugs take up the slack

When prescriptions go away

Now fentanyl flows back to its foes

The Silk Road runs both ways

Cattle killed like buffalo

Reservations for prison camps

When the jailhouse gets inside your skin

The soul grows cold and damp

They’ve always buried their mistakes 

And more so to this day

Unblemished coats in stark contrast

To lives they gave away

I cannot help but think about

If the people were to find

They’ve taken payment for our pain

What will they do next time

I guess they know the truth by now

The lies are wearing thin

They better hope we never learn

It’s either us or them

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