Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Edge of Darkness

Vampires biting their victims turning them into vampires. But for reasons unknown, some of them don’t turn into vampires in spite of it all. To learn why would be a good use of time and effort as a way of combating this epidemic. For now (and probably forever), we can only call it Grace.

Although this particular form of trauma was not inflicted upon me personally, I know of the horrific results to families for generations to come. Even if the behavior is not replicated, the destructive after-effects of just being in its proximity can lead to such things as problems with trust, intimacy, and an unbalanced libido. Religious zealots, drug addicts, prostitutes and the growing number suffering from sexual ambiguity are often lost to these extremes as a result of the vampire’s bite.

So are the power mongers. I assume that most of these types do indeed replicate the behavior. Politicians come to mind. Also, we know that these practices are used upon the children of the elite and the celebrities if they wish to reach a certain level on this hellish inverted pyramid

As with ancient Rome, this behavior is a good indicator of a collapsing empire as pedophilia is a form of spiritual suicide, a way of assuring destruction of any moral restraints that keep civilization from degenerating into barbarism. Once a people allow this violation of innocence on a grand scale, what else is left besides death and destruction? The soul has already been destroyed.

Everything seems to be going from bad to worse here in this collapsing empire and it is difficult to know where to put our priorities. But our continued failure to protect our children from these sexual predators will invariably lead us to the next Dark Ages with the pedophiles running the show only until the cannibals can take over.


Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

My family are psychic vampires...draining...

freefall said...

I'm sorry Adaline. That is not an easy problem to make it past. All you can do is walk away.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

It's ok, Free. We became estranged, my brother and I, my mother and I, and this year we have managed to patch it up enough to speak. I have to psychically protect myself with them at all times, no trust at all. We all scattered to opposite ends of the continent so there is no danger of having to deal with each other in person.

This is a beautiful, albeit terrifying piece.