Sunday, September 29, 2024

End the Con


All of the lies continue to be exposed.  Hollywood and the music industry have had the curtain pulled back.  But I figure that the most recent exposure is also a limited hangout where the highest levels remain protected.  With that being said, it certainly is becoming interesting.

Anyway, I feel bad for Justin Bieber.  I wish his parent(s) hadn't turned him out to P. Diddy.  He didn't deserve that.  I also wonder how it's going to work out for Leonardo.  

Speaking of manipulating perceptions, the plandemic was a large-scale example of what is normally being used in their con games:

1. Scare us with an enemy--an invisible one works best as they are both everywhere and nowhere.

2. Attack the enemy with vaccines, soldiers, media slander, politicians, experts, etc.  

3. Anyone that disagrees with the narrative is spreading disinformation, unpatriotic, antisemitic, and should be punished.  

Whatever the case may be, fear is infused to get us to believe in something that simply isn't true.  The vaccine con game, for example, will only end after enough have suffered the consequences of their wrong choices that it can no longer remain hidden.  And this suffering continues to increase. 

But watch the P. Diddy show right now and forget about the sickness and death surrounding us or the current high-level nuclear threat. 

The long-term unreliability of electric vehicles, the mutilated bodies of the gender transitioned, the disintegration of our infrastructure and social programs while taking in so many foreigners at once, the continued inflation of paying for all this backed by nothing of value other than a government gun, all of this is falling apart and the truth is melting away their con games.  

And now the greatest long con game of all is finally being revealed-- The government has never been on our side. Even the soldier has now been presented with this stark reality since their own military has sickened and killed them with their shots, with a little help from Big Pharma.  

That's how much they care about you.  Now that our veterans are being thrown out into the street and replaced by illegal immigrants, the long con is finally coming to an end for them.  

But take heart, suckers!  They are going to need you one more time on the way out to go and fight for Israel.  Whatever forces remain at home can be used to beat down their own people while giving illegal immigration a free ride with taxpayer handouts.  

On the other hand, this can only last as long as the phony money supply holds up.  And it continues to hyperinflate into the stratosphere.  Another long con drawing to a close. 

Now the longshoremen strike looms.  We'll see how the government deals with that.

On the bright side, as these lies continue to be revealed, we have a chance to turn this around.  But before this can occur, we have to learn to say "NO" to these phony authorities.  

At its core, the longest con is believing that anyone else has a right or even can run your life better than you.  




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