Sunday, September 22, 2024

A World of Torment


Using diesel for their tow trucks

Hauling weight needs engines sound 

One-hundred thousand dollar cargo

Depreciates once on the ground 

Electric vehicles are failing

Costly repairs make debts to drive

When you’re called back to the office

Insurance rates have gone sky-high

Needles in their sharps containers

Ammonia lingers in the air

Gutter discards pose less danger

If you survive their single share

War at home is fast approaching 

Watching as the dollar dies

Guns are oiled and knives are sharpened 

Armchair heroes compromised 

Smell of fear and death and hatred

Never known when on the screen

Helmet cams are entertainment 

Kicked in doors, no help from Ring

When you’re the channel on the station 

Once this hell comes to your door

You left them to a world of torment

Now what has come will bring some more

So ask the Creator for discernment 

Smart or stupid, rich or poor

Contrite hearts make good replacements 

The rest will get what they paid for

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