Monday, May 20, 2024

The Pivot


As with all of their scams that are finally discovered, the next step of the Controllers is to get the victims of the scam to pay for it all.  

Dr. Robert Redfield is a current frontman of the deathcare control system.  He's beginning to blame the vaccine for the injuries instead of blaming the unvaccinated.  

This Stooge was the coroner at Sandy Hook.  But this information is hard to find on-line as it has apparently gone down the memory hole.  But we already know that he's good at hiding the bodies. 

As I see it, there are at least three reasons why they are now making the pivot.  The first reason is that they can no longer hide the vaccine injuries and deaths from the public.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that the vaccinated are having some serious problems.  

The second reason for the pivot is that these same previous pushers of the vaccine that are now coming out admitting to having adverse effects themselves are in place to herd the other victims into getting their compensation from the taxpayer instead of the pharmaceutical companies that sold their liquid death.  

As we learned from the big bank bailouts in 2008, they like to privatize gain and socialize loss.  

The third reason is to keep all the previous pushers from being executed by those whose lives they destroyed.  They want no real accountability and will devise "Disease X," bring the hot wars home, and anything else that will divert the public from realizing that they are paying for the treatment of the victims on behalf of their torturers and killers.

I wonder how they will use Trump in the midst of all this?  Not only was he a primary instigator of the vaccine rollout, but now he could be used as the compensator to get the victims to rob each other.  

But then, he would have to admit he was wrong.  Perhaps the "hush money" trial is getting him acclimated to acquiescence. There's more where that came from if he doesn't do the bidding of his Khazarian overlords.  Unless you think that he ran the Epstein/Mossad honeypot as this is the only way he would not be compromised due to participation.  Just like the late-night parties of P. Diddy, if you're still there, then you're either the wolf or what's for dinner.     

They sure are going to need some big bad things to happen in the near future to hide all of the upcoming deaths behind.  Please do not fall for these lies.  None of these pied pipers of hell are on our side.  And justice must be served if we are to find a way out.  

Otherwise, it's the peasant killing peasant agenda for us all along with the military cleanup at the end.  

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