Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Minute or Two


The moment transcends

Muslims, Christians and Jews

If only for a minute or two

The terrible turmoil

Of the mind

The violence comes

Marching double-time

Distractions abound

The silence goes

The next scare-tactic 

Gets exposed

Now they see 

The gods they serve

The masses get

What they deserve

They chose destruction 

Over peace

Now their attackers

Give no cease

War abroad

Has come back home

We get the same

Time to atone

Conscripts for

The killing floor

Our enemies 

Can hide no more

But perhaps they’ll wear new uniforms 

Be thankful if your peace

Isn’t shattered by bombs

Just war upon the skies

That targets the strong

So come back inside

Away from the bodies

Of the dead that lie strewn

A glimpse of eternity awaits

If only for a minute or two

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