Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Decadence to Deprivation


A first world detransition 

Is such an easy move

Try cutting everything in half

Including all the food

No more dollar domination 

With the barrel of a gun

China and the Russian menace

Back a gold and silver run

Bombs become a broken airplane

Whistle-blowers tried to warn

Ramming bridges, avian flu strains

Space invaders embrace the storm

Growing distance in food deserts

Gasoline in short supply

Pumping petrol’s gone electric

Cloudy solar panels die

Plugging in the trickle chargers

Nature’s cold takes more away

Record speeds zero to sixty

Curbside bonfires burn for days

Warm water falls luxuriating

Sponge baths will replace those ways

Brush your teeth with Arm & Hammer

Last bath taker pull the drain

Too much heat and too much frigid

It always helps to wear more clothes

Brown-out cycles have no rhythm

The new hard living is imposed

From decadence to deprivation 

We’ve had it good at least ‘til now

But all the pain provides this lesson

You cannot eat your sacred cows

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