Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Decadence to Deprivation


A first world detransition 

Is such an easy move

Try cutting everything in half

Including all the food

No more dollar domination 

With the barrel of a gun

China and the Russian menace

Back a gold and silver run

Bombs become a broken airplane

Whistle-blowers tried to warn

Ramming bridges, avian flu strains

Space invaders embrace the storm

Growing distance in food deserts

Gasoline in short supply

Pumping petrol’s gone electric

Cloudy solar panels die

Plugging in the trickle chargers

Nature’s cold takes more away

Record speeds zero to sixty

Curbside bonfires burn for days

Warm water falls luxuriating

Sponge baths will replace those ways

Brush your teeth with Arm & Hammer

Last bath taker pull the drain

Too much heat and too much frigid

It always helps to wear more clothes

Brown-out cycles have no rhythm

The new hard living is imposed

From decadence to deprivation 

We’ve had it good at least ‘til now

But all the pain provides this lesson

You cannot eat your sacred cows

Saturday, May 25, 2024

God of Gaza


Prince of Peace and God of War

They never were the same

To put them on each other’s side

Makes the whole world look insane

Behavior based on bad intent

Still falls between the lines

From compassion to organ harvesting 

No inconsistencies to find

Build a pier then blow it up

And blame the ones it serves

Or wait until the crowds arrive

Killing more of their reserves

The food supply is kept away

From open prison cells

But neither is it brought back home

It’s all been blown to hell

The war and famine that you made

Arrives at your own door

No peasant will admit to that

Until they too are poor

God of Gaza coming back

His servants on the run

He’s made their final resting place

 A Khazar’s setting sun

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Purple Reign


We all have second parents

They are the Red and Blue

They both serve the same masters

And they are the chosen few

It’s not a good religion

Unless you are with them

It’s hard to find compassion

When competition is a sin

Student smarts and their behavior 

They are on a sharp decline

But if you know the virtue signals

There’s no need to read or write

Now take this medication 

And give it to your own

Then blame another for the war

You should’ve fought at home

They took away the currency

And turned it into scrip

Then walked away with all the gold

And left this sinking ship

We all have second parents

They both still serve the same

But when you bring the two together 

Then you get a purple reign

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Pivot


As with all of their scams that are finally discovered, the next step of the Controllers is to get the victims of the scam to pay for it all.  

Dr. Robert Redfield is a current frontman of the deathcare control system.  He's beginning to blame the vaccine for the injuries instead of blaming the unvaccinated.  

This Stooge was the coroner at Sandy Hook.  But this information is hard to find on-line as it has apparently gone down the memory hole.  But we already know that he's good at hiding the bodies. 

As I see it, there are at least three reasons why they are now making the pivot.  The first reason is that they can no longer hide the vaccine injuries and deaths from the public.  It is becoming increasingly obvious that the vaccinated are having some serious problems.  

The second reason for the pivot is that these same previous pushers of the vaccine that are now coming out admitting to having adverse effects themselves are in place to herd the other victims into getting their compensation from the taxpayer instead of the pharmaceutical companies that sold their liquid death.  

As we learned from the big bank bailouts in 2008, they like to privatize gain and socialize loss.  

The third reason is to keep all the previous pushers from being executed by those whose lives they destroyed.  They want no real accountability and will devise "Disease X," bring the hot wars home, and anything else that will divert the public from realizing that they are paying for the treatment of the victims on behalf of their torturers and killers.

I wonder how they will use Trump in the midst of all this?  Not only was he a primary instigator of the vaccine rollout, but now he could be used as the compensator to get the victims to rob each other.  

But then, he would have to admit he was wrong.  Perhaps the "hush money" trial is getting him acclimated to acquiescence. There's more where that came from if he doesn't do the bidding of his Khazarian overlords.  Unless you think that he ran the Epstein/Mossad honeypot as this is the only way he would not be compromised due to participation.  Just like the late-night parties of P. Diddy, if you're still there, then you're either the wolf or what's for dinner.     

They sure are going to need some big bad things to happen in the near future to hide all of the upcoming deaths behind.  Please do not fall for these lies.  None of these pied pipers of hell are on our side.  And justice must be served if we are to find a way out.  

Otherwise, it's the peasant killing peasant agenda for us all along with the military cleanup at the end.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Minute or Two


The moment transcends

Muslims, Christians and Jews

If only for a minute or two

The terrible turmoil

Of the mind

The violence comes

Marching double-time

Distractions abound

The silence goes

The next scare-tactic 

Gets exposed

Now they see 

The gods they serve

The masses get

What they deserve

They chose destruction 

Over peace

Now their attackers

Give no cease

War abroad

Has come back home

We get the same

Time to atone

Conscripts for

The killing floor

Our enemies 

Can hide no more

But perhaps they’ll wear new uniforms 

Be thankful if your peace

Isn’t shattered by bombs

Just war upon the skies

That targets the strong

So come back inside

Away from the bodies

Of the dead that lie strewn

A glimpse of eternity awaits

If only for a minute or two

Friday, May 10, 2024

No Sympathy from a Free Mind


There's a little game that these demons play with us.  They get in front of our rebellions.

They know when to make the pivot due to their A.I. buddies that compute and compile the data taken from our cars, phones, laptops, appliances, etc.

Chris Cuomo is now saying that he has a vaccine injury.  This is probably because those running the show know that they are losing control of the vaccine narrative due to the increasing sickness and death that surrounds us.  

Once again, our Saviors will end up becoming the same ones who created the need for a Savior due to the calamities that they perpetrated.

Now Cuomo can save us from the effects of the vaccine by throwing taxpayer dollars at the problem?  Wouldn't it be cheaper to first hang the traitors who pushed it?  But then, who would lead the rebellions?

An opposing character in this clown-show is Governor Greg Abbott.

This WEF stooge is responsible for allowing an unprecedented illegal invasion over his state border while blaming the feds for not doing their job.  His suicide solution of shipping thousands into the country's interior is an act of treason.  

But now Abbott leads the resistance against the invasion?  I don't know whether to laugh or cry. 

It appears that we are now being herded towards the alternative media and its Populist heroes.  But even this bunch is showing signs of wear.

Robert "And the worms ate into his brain" Kennedy, Jr. just put himself out of contention.  But then again who knows, with the demented fool they have in there now.  

Elon Musk is laying off thousands from his failing EV enterprise.  Trump looks like he's living through a humiliation ritual used to keep him in line and remind him of the true hierarchy.  

The litmus test these days is where you stand with Israel.  Sorry, but mass graves are a calling card of holocaust.  

Israel has used up all its sympathy from a free mind and that includes its own people.  Actually, I'm sure that many of them are less rabid Zionists than many of the Gentiles in America.  

Zionists of both kinds have their own forms of brainwashing.  And both worship the same god.  And obviously, this god sees nothing wrong with the organ harvesting of those you just murdered.  

Keep sleep-walking your way into oblivion, America.  Your own advance directives are being seized by your killers.  Remember, organs of the unvaccinated will only gain in value as time goes on.  

Here's a way of seeing the future (I learned it from "The Godfather"):

The one who comes to make peace between factions will be the one who betrays you.  On a global level, this may be the beast from the pit.  

This is not a time for peace but a time for war.  But it must be directed towards the true enemy.  

Start with the fool in the mirror who put their faith in liars.  And they're all liars!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Taken Away


Stormy Daniels has been mounted

By the Zionist hero

If you call this man a Christian 

Then you haven’t got a soul

Why not offer him a harem

As he enters the White House

Bring them to the Oral Office

Where he can have them hiding out

Melania may not like it

But I bet she will remain

Or she’ll get a return ticket

On the sex trafficked train

With the student campus protests

Government is bearing down

But when cities are on fire

They will hardly make a sound

The Human Hatrack does the bidding

Of his Khazarian Overlords

They want a second Homeland

So he’ll send the world to war

Anything, just anything

To take our minds away

And cover up atrocities of

Palestinian mass graves

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Recipe for Disaster


1.  Create a religious theocracy whose mentality has generations to            permeate society with its lies.

2.  Orchestrate a pandemic.

3.  Shut down the economy while paying workers for doing nothing.

4.  Keep car dealers, liquor stores and the real estate industry open           for business throughout the pandemic while shutting down                     schools, churches and making a triage unit out of hospitals.

5.  Mandate experimental vaccines using an extortion racket to keep            your job or to buy essentials at brick-and-mortar stores.

6.  Work-from-home becomes the new normal.

7.  Children are not allowed in schools.

8.  When allowed in schools, children must wear a mask.

9.  Children must be up to date on all vaccines in order to attend                 school.

10.  Vaccine mandates purge people of character leaving behind sell-           outs, cowards and criminals carrying out the malevolent will of               their future murderers.  

11.  Take the dollar off the gold standard.

12.  Print money into oblivion to finance shut-down/stay at home                   stimulus and endless wars abroad resulting in hyperinflation                   of the currency.

13.  Run back-to-back false flag attacks always taking our minds                   away from any real investigation into the last one.

14.  Deplete all of our resources to finance wars abroad in order to               protect a foreign country while opening our own borders to our               enemies whose countries have been decimated by America's                 Imperial Aggression and Zionist False Flag Retaliation                           Program. 

15.  Make laws in which no one is allowed to speak against our                     captors.  

16.  The influx of illegal invaders creates the need to forcibly                         remove them or become a destabilized Third World country                    without the rule of law.  

17.  Welcome to the Fourth Reich!  The order in which you will be                 taken to the camps depends upon the Zionist puppet president                that has been appointed.

Compliance is no longer optional.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Enemy of Breath


A five-dollar foot long cookie

Has replaced the meat and cheese

Desserts should all be eaten first

Before the delicacies

Kill the chicken-fearing cattle

So we don’t get CJD

But now we find their final dosage

Inside their new vaccines

The chemtrails keep  on dumping

Playing hop-scotch on our heads

A portrait of insanity

An enemy of breath

Free Palestine college protesting

Now carrying the flame

Are we supposed to forget about

Vaccine mandates and Ukraine

Find a few bad actors 

To bring their support to shame

Give the rest to Israel

The king of false flag fame

It’s the same old story

Over and over again

Make a god of man

Then overlook his sin