Monday, January 22, 2024

Living a Lie


I sometimes wonder about those that achieved all that they thought they wanted in life.  I wonder how much they compromised themselves in order to attain this success.

It stands to reason that some of those whose lives have been knocked off-course from what we once thought would give us fulfillment would be ahead of the curve when it comes to awakening.

The red pill is generally not chosen without being accompanied by much suffering.  In a world of illusion, it is a "nothing left to lose" sort of option. 

Much of the process has to do with understanding where we went wrong.  But we did wrong due to a lack of understanding.  Something has to change.

When you begin to realize that most of your suffering has to do with what you have put your faith in, then it is time to question your beliefs.  You also begin to see what the hive-mind has coming. 

Do you see the atrocities being committed in Gaza?  The same will soon be visited upon Israel as well as its American vassal.  

Why will this happen?  Because the followers of the god that both countries serve will think that they're being punished for not killing enough Muslims.  This sort of god always ends up getting his followers to kill each other off and it looks like this time will be no exception.  

On the bright side, any of these lost souls coming around to the reality of their plight will still be welcomed by those who have already been humbled by the truth.  All have believed and followed lies at one time or another.  

And yet we know that we risk our lives when it comes to those who refuse to admit their foolish ways.  These Zionist traitors will kill us and think that they're doing god a favor.  

Watching it all fall apart for so many of those that this society deems successful shows where their compromised lives have led.  All of those that this vile system has deemed successful are currently being exposed as little more than tools that have outlived their usefulness in the eyes of their owners.  Movie-stars, celebrities, and expert game-players of all sorts are dropping dead in droves due to the clot-shots alone.  

Many are beginning to understand that these sporting events have their share of rigged games where the referees are owned even before the players.  And you can bet that the Black Sox buyouts of old are from the same tribe as the current batch of shysters.   

Getting back to the American Idols, many are having a difficult time of it after becoming the poster-child for vaccine adverse events (although few will admit it).  

Strange problems arise for those not yet dropping dead.  Many just seize up, whether it be their bodies or their minds.  

Controlled-opposition populist Saviors keep popping up like mushrooms as these plants as well as the most practiced con-artists continue rising to the top.  The most confusing and confounding of these clowns become the most popular.

Instead of a running mate, perhaps Tucker Carlson should act as a translator to Trump's outrageous bullshit.  He can tell us how pushing a bioweapon is not murderous, having the most notorious pedophile and human trafficker in American history for a "good friend" is not depraved and crawling on his Zionist belly to a foreign country is not treason.

If the American people still can't see that the only candidates they get to choose from for president are more the same than they are different, then they deserve what they get.

The American people will soon see the quality of their lives diminish to the level of countries where so many are running from their bombs.  

The truth of the matter is making a strong impression and no amount of lies will be able to cover it up for much longer.

And we wait for those who will finally understand the part they have played for good or ill as Truth awaits us all. 


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