Monday, January 8, 2024

Last Victims


"Our strategy is this: We fight them there so we do not have to face them in the United States of America."--George Bush, Jr.  

Sometimes, I think that I can hear them all laughing.

There are some strange occurrences going on these days because governments are allowing things to happen that are completely counter-productive to the best interests of their countries.  

The American government runs a false-flag attack by blowing up the Nordstream pipeline and blaming it on Russia.  We are supposed to believe that it was self-sabotage?  Why?

Meanwhile, Europe is left out in the cold as that is where the other side of the pipeline ends up.  In other words, the American government is undermining its allies.  Why?

American battleships are now in the Red Sea while America's own borders are left wide open.  Why?

Obviously, the allegiance of governments are no longer tied to the people of their own countries.

With the introduction of the spike-protein "vaccines," governments have been killing their own people as fast as they can get away with it.  The orchestrated wars in the Middle East and Ukraine is another way to get the peasants to kill each other.

America looks to be going the way of the Weimar Republic with its hyperinflation on one end as it follows the collapse of the Roman Empire with its open borders on the other.  It makes me wonder if all of the previous historical events have been manufactured "rug-pulls" also.

Now let's look at the parasitical relationship between America and Israel.  Mossad false-flags committed on 9/11 as well as October 7 have lit the fuse on the destruction of both countries.  Like the prepared that gives his supplies to the unprepared beggar, in the end, the prepper will become a beggar too.

And this is what America is currently experiencing after giving its lifeblood to this parasitical country abroad.   

If you haven't noticed, all of America's presidents since JFK have lined up to kiss the wall.  

In Israel, Bibi snatches power after the recent false-flag committed just outside the Palestinian cage as corruption charges disappear in the fog of war.  The tyrant just gave himself more control.  

On the other side, Trump is already talking about creating a Police State environment by rooting out the illegal immigrants from the communities as his supporters cheer.  It reminds me of the armed enforcers coming into the neighborhoods after the Boston Marathon false-flag.  

Is this what "freedom" looks like to you?  "USA, USA, USA!"

I'm sure that we will have to deal with their propped-up enemies soon.  But this is only because America fell for the Zionist false-flags that turned the Muslims into America's victims.  

Have you figured out yet who the last victims of your government will be?

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