Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Great Contest


Termites running out of wood

Surrounding bodies just as good

Once abroad and now back home

Land where active shooters roam


Misery from a lifetime of lies

Running out of places to hide

If “winning” means counting bodies today

Just hold that thought as the game’s still in play


Mu virus next one down the track

Will shots ever stop without shooting back

Microscopy reveals some nasty things

Lurking inside these vile vaccines


Stainless steel with graphene in-between

Some sort of transhumanist scheme

They have no use for individuality

They want to bring about our finality


Events in Australia reveal their plans

Banished by society if you make your stand

Tyrant’s boot on the neck doesn’t sound like much fun

But that’s what you get when you give up your guns


More problems for America to push it through

Riots and looting returning soon

Once the dollar sinks into the sea

Untold violence arrives as the guilty flee


Pair them with nano-chips running through their brains

Making the innocent sound insane

True believers in the genocide

Robot or human--time to decide


Only the zombie mind could abide

Still taking orders from the outside

A life without investigation

Is the greatest plague across this nation


Eternity waits with bated breath

The outcome of The Great Contest

When the truth is known may you pass the test

There have always been fates worse than death











Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Our gov just announced mandatory vaxx for 8,000 state employees the same day as Black Hole Biden's announcement of 100 million PRIVATE employees mandatory vaxx, business of 100 or more.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

oh - vaxx or weekly testing. Still.