Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Black Hole Biden

If one wishes to track America’s descent towards destruction, a good place to start is with the accomplishments of our previous presidents.  Although each follow the script when it comes to such things as war and policies only benefitting the rich, every president has their own special agenda unknown to the public.

Starting with Bill Clinton, he was successful in allowing the bankers to do away with the Glass-Steagall Act which turned commercial banks into speculative gamblers.  But NAFTA was his greatest achievement and Ross Perot was the prophet of his time.  We still went to war for corporate interests afterwards, but the American people did not see the benefits as jobs were moved elsewhere ensuring greater profits for Big Business. 

George W. Bush was the idiot-in-charge on 9/11 with a look on his face just afterwards that either should’ve given him an Emmy (along with the now disgraced Andrew Cuomo) or it proves that these compartmentalized presidents have others pulling their strings.  My guess is that they didn’t trust their moronic front man not to let something slip as Cheney sitting in with him during his interrogation also revealed.  Bush was appointed to be the “hero” seeking retaliation against the evil scapegoated enemies abroad.  Books have been written regarding the holes in this entire story.  The U.S. government and its so-called allies were the real culprits. 

Then came the amoral African American Messiah.  His job was to change America’s social norms and mores.  Gender is now a lifestyle choice rather than a biological fact.  In other words, it’s another thing to cause confusion.  It all makes little difference as those sending us to the camps and mass graves play no favorites.  It’s just another group that will be singled out from the herd to make their job easier.       

Trump was then appointed to push back against these changes as the cornerstone of his administration was to bring the war back home while ratcheting up the chaos.  He was in place to take the guilt away from his supremacist followers who fail to understand that this is the same way that he (Trump) sees them.

Which brings us to Biden.  While Trump was there to make the guilty feel good, Biden is in place to take all the guilt upon himself. 

The war in Afghanistan is now being blamed on Biden.  The worse that it goes, the more blame for all of it will fall upon him while the other mass murdering presidents get a pass. 

He’s also there to push the vaccine.  Obviously, he makes a better spokesperson than Trump who gets booed by his own supporters for selling the same snake oil. 

As the genetically modifying shots continue to be exposed due to the sick and the dead, Biden will take the heat for the results.  Lockdowns, bankrupted businesses, uncontrolled immigration, economic collapse, riots and looting, all look to be thrown at the feet of Black Hole Biden.  The only question that remains is whether they can make full use of him before his mind is too far gone to be propped up anymore. 

And who will take his place?  It won’t be Cuomo.  Trump is now pushing the vaccine, so he is not expected to return anytime soon. 

Kamala is the next in line if Biden doesn’t make it to the end of his term.  What comes next is anyone’s guess.  False flag terrorism including in-house cyber-attacks blamed on the next elusive enemy?     

But first, their whipping boy must take as many lashes as his demented brain can handle.    

My guess is that the black hole of blame will remain well after the body of Biden has been removed from office.     




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