Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Unseen World

From the start of this Plandemic, I have known that this is the beginning of their End Game, and that most of us are probably not going to be around for very much longer. 

All the collective has to pull from are the failed systems of the past, with the vultures hovering over Capitalism and the destitute awaiting the austerity of Communism.  It may keep you from “sleeping in your shoes,” but quality of life for the majority of the rest is going to take a nose-dive. 

The vaccine Nazis want the “anti-vaxxers” to be held down and injected with the venom.  One day, a person appears to be rational and the next (with a little pull of their emotional strings) they become raving maniacs. A nation of compliance junkies wanting Big Daddy government to do their dirty work.  Anything but face the fact that “We’re screwed!”  What good are your vaccines if you so fear the unvaccinated?

The booster is coming soon, slaves.    It will be about the same time that the MSM can no longer hide the fact that these vaccines are worse than useless, being neither safe nor effective at preventing this disease.  I’m waiting for these vaccinated zombies to be lit up by 5G microwaves that will make them no longer able to function in an intelligent way.  Judging by their current behavior, they may be running some beta tests already.

As we all continue our descent into madness, the nastiness of those pushing their repetitive historically failed systems makes it difficult for any real headway to be made concerning our problems.  The comment boards have degenerated from rational discussions in the mornings to the hyperbolic spurious nonsense of drunkards at night making the trolls redundant. 

Smoke weed; a Grade A treatment for right brain atrophy.  You may even begin to understand what the author is really trying to say.

The way out can only be found in the unseen world.  In order to access it fully, we must be willing to admit we have been wrong as well as experiencing the natural sorrow for the horrific damage to everyone and everything on this planet that has been caused due to our willful ignorance.  Don’t let any of the nonsense to be found in the holy books detract from this natural experience of true awakening that must be traversed for any renewal of the mind towards something better. 

On the bright side, even if the answers don’t arrive on time, we will still be aboard the proper ride into eternity.      




Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

I like this comment made on this article. I learned a new word, 'psychopathocracy':

The psychopathocracy has long had a wish list for absolute control over every living soul. They're been searching for just the right pretext to make the suckers not just accept slavery, but demand it. They succeeded in some small but important ways (drunk-driving checkpoints for example). But they wanted more. They tried "communism" and "terrorism." Now it's "covid." Funny how the solution to every problem, no matter what it is, is more power for them and less freedom for you. "

freefall said...