Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Over the Line

It’s amazing how my priorities continue to shift during this “Shock and Awe” phase of the pogrom.  I now consider my greatest imminent threat to be enforced vaccination. 

They say that war makes for strange bedfellows and I can see this one shaping up for me.  Not much need for masks when the bullets start flying. 

I would like to take this moment to thank the gutless wonders who are pushing for someone else to force these vaccines upon us.  This part of the cull could not be rolled out without you.  It reeks of the typical liberal love that always ends up hurting someone else.   

But at some point, the prison riots will ensue once again.  And we all know what happens to “jailhouse snitches” during these times.  Although my adherence to natural law precludes participation in such madness, it’s hard to have much sympathy for you.  You people are as evil as the tools who would enforce it. 

While humanity continues to be manipulated into killing each other off over manufactured calamities, most will never perceive the greater threats like economic and especially climate collapse until it is too late.

As far as you deluded souls mostly from the Left:  You’ve stepped over the line when it comes to other people’s bodies.  Break free from your hypocrisy or others will be stepping over yours before this is over.      




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