Tuesday, January 12, 2021


The only moral high-ground that the Right had over the Left has washed away with the assault upon the Capitol.  Your violation of Natural Law is now complete, America.  So is your personality-cult worship of your last two presidents.  Idolators!

When one philosophy invariably leads to the same destructive behavior as another, we should begin looking at what the radicalized on both sides have in common rather than their supposed differences.

Each side wants their brand of master to rule them.  When they don’t get what they want, they act out by looting and destroying property.  And yes, the assault on the Capitol appears to have had a much darker agenda in mind displayed by certain factions.  Flex-cuffs?

Meanwhile, people are more than willing to “inject the venom” and clamoring over who should get the vaccine first.   The riots can also be super-spreader events, shutting down the economy and leading to more riots. 

Which brings us to the “useful idiots” on both sides.  Let’s look at it from a different perspective.

Suppose that the provocateurs and traitorous police that were part of the “skeleton crew psy-op” were not followed into the building?

What if the people stopped just before they reached the doors in a show of solidarity that they would no longer be ruled by trash from either political party?  What if they were backed by millions?

But instead, the Right is now trying to force us to pick their master and crawl before him just like they do while throwing all Constitutional restraints out the window.   

If you want to take back this country, that’s fine.  But if you wish to blindly follow the orders of psychopaths to commit murder just like you did elsewhere, then may you be killed by your own troops.  

A more fitting fate could not be imagined.