Thursday, January 14, 2021

Circling the Drain

“Will you walk into my Parler?” said the spider to the fly.

Looks like I’m getting to the end of this blog soon as the world continues to be turned upside down.  I’m still waiting for the stock market to collapse that will complete the journey of my namesake (the collapse of Building 7 is where it all began), but censorship is coming soon for anyone who thinks “outside the box.”

There is a sort of perverse symmetry unfolding now that the rabid Right has shown their true colors.  They are “On a mission from god” but will soon discover that they walked into a buzz-saw. 

The storming of the Capitol was meant to make the Trump-chumps think they could ever win against a government that will probably use weapons on them next Wednesday that we don’t even know about.  Trump must be laughing his ass off, especially after criticizing the riots in a more recent speech and threatening his own supporters with the use of government force. 

They are walking into a hell of their own creation.  The Joint Chiefs are on-board with Biden.  Along with the sexual harassment and murders of female soldiers in places like Fort Hood, I have the impression that the grunts and superior officers have been working things out between them with dissenters turned upon by their own before being tossed out onto the streets with their armored vehicles, weaponized drones and technology that can burn your skin and make you run away—right into the trap they set for you elsewhere.     

There’s no telling how many fascists will join the fray at the State Capitols across the country and the wanna=be usurpers may even have some success here and there.  But all in all, they will be decimated. 

Whether the cities and neighborhoods will erupt in flames now or later remains to be seen.  That’s usually the specialty of the radicalized Left, but they will be cut loose at their master’s whim.   

I predict that this is going to be the worst day in the history of our lives and will be the death knell for our Democracy.

I also predict that all of these small businesses with their “Support the Troops” signs seen today will be taken down after January, 20, 2021.  If not, they will be vandalized by their own. 

Don’t do it, idiots!  Or we will be dominated from here on out. 


“And it’ll feel like the whole wide world is raining down on you

Oh, brought to you Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue.”



1 comment:

freefall said...

"When the time comes that man no longer wishes to remain a child, but wants to grow up and become an adult, then he must understand and neither deceive himself nor others. Then he will see that God is to be found not in any particular form but in all forms, not in any particular place, but everywhere, not through any single vehicle, faith, cult, religion, building, or man, but in the Infinite.

You will never find God anywhere else but in those conditions; the rest is merely your idea of God, your mental picture. These are purely intellectual things, they are not God or Reality.

So if a man wishes to awaken, if he wants to understand himself, he must face the fact that the real avenue to contact with God is not outside himself but within, directly inside. He must find his own way to God through and within himself. That is, if he seeks God there is no other way, but if he is looking for ideas, concepts, or mental images, then he can take what orthodox religions and cults offer him. And because most people have been content to let others do their thinking and questing for them, they have been satisfied with those conditions."--Dr. Paul Brunton, "Discover Yourself."