Sunday, January 17, 2021

Inside Job

Time is of the essence for furthering the investigation into the assault upon the Capitol as it will all soon be lost in a haze of gunpowder from something coming that will be much worse.

At its core, this appears to be a para-military operation with reconnaissance being run and help from the inside prior to the attack. 

Since 9/11, they’ve moved their false-flag operations back home while pretty much following a similar formula of fomenting war and civil strife as they have done abroad.

They always start with a lie.  This one was about the “rigged election” that Trump was supposed to lose in order to create this fascist backlash.  Then they literally led his worshippers between the velvet ropes and into the history books. 

What is unfolding now is the battle between the order-followers for Trump and the order-followers for Biden.  What the phony patriots don’t understand is what the order-followers for government lack in numbers they more than make up for in technology.

It is the repercussions of what has already transpired along with these upcoming events that should be of most concern for all of us.  Extreme times produce extreme minds.

It’s what makes people kill a certain group of people indiscriminately.  Responsible gun-owners will end up being disarmed for the actions of irresponsible gun owners.  The control-grid system continues to have the people’s consent to protect them from each other.  Our society is collapsing before our eyes.

As with others, I grapple with such concepts as karma, free-will and fate.  Order-followers killing order-followers should come as no surprise.  The wheel grinds straight and true.

I’m of the opinion that America reached “the point of no return” some time ago.  As a country, I can see no way around intense suffering tied inextricably to our continued atrocities committed abroad.  As I’ve written before, as far as I’m concerned, if there is no karma, there is no god.  But there is and I do appreciate the reminder as what is currently unfolding further substantiates my knowing.

Forget about belief.  That’s what gets idiots to kill each other over people that want them dead anyway.  What is happening now is “separating the wheat from the chaff” in a very specific way.  Soldiers killing ex-soldiers.  Religious and political groups splintering into pieces.  The Marxist lock-step that will ensue after the ashes, mandatory everything they want. 

“Battle-lines being drawn.  Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.”

And yet the antidote for all of our problems waits for us in silence.  The only difference between myself and most others is that I didn’t need Trump to tell me that I was “a sucker and a loser.”  I had come to that conclusion some time ago. Those taking this truth to heart even now can still be healed.  If it’s the truth, what do you care where it comes from?

In these times of revelation, individual progress can still be made in spite of it all. 

They have their inside jobs and we have ours.   




freefall said...

"When the time comes that man no longer wishes to remain a child, but wants to grow up and become an adult, then he must understand and neither deceive himself nor others. Then he will see that God is to be found not in any particular form but in all forms, not in any particular place, but everywhere, not through any single vehicle, faith, cult, religion, building, or man, but in the Infinite.

You will never find God anywhere else but in those conditions; the rest is merely your idea of God, your mental picture. These are purely intellectual things, they are not God or Reality.

So if a man wishes to awaken, if he wants to understand himself, he must face the fact that the real avenue to contact with God is not outside himself but within, directly inside. He must find his own way to God through and within himself. That is, if he seeks God there is no other way, but if he is looking for ideas, concepts, or mental images, then he can take what orthodox religions and cults offer him. And because most people have been content to let others do their thinking and questing for them, they have been satisfied with those conditions."--Dr. Paul Brunton, "Discover Yourself."

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

I absolutely agree that this is an inside job. (Doesn't feel that way for those who were murdered or threatened.) A false flag. Setting us up for taking more civil liberties away, 9/11 style. Biden was one of the main creators of the Patriot Act. They are all on the same team.

freefall said...

They can play the radicalized mind any way they want to accomplish their goals. Once you're wanting to kill your own Vice-President, you are beyond hope. The tsunami of underclass that will flood the streets after the banks call in their markers on real estate debt can be used to commit violence in the cities and neighborhoods.

And no matter who is in there, they will continue to starve us out. Prepare yourself for the upcoming horror, my friend.