Sunday, August 23, 2020

Draw the Line


The first trick the devil ever pulled was to make us believe that he did not exist.  But after too many people saw through that ruse, his next trick was to make us believe that he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.  Sound familiar?

It’s important to remember that while we continue to argue over the vagaries of the virus, this is just the first wave of what they have in store for us. 

Obama turned over the treasury for the bankers to rob us in broad daylight and Trump has pretty much allowed them to finish it off.  A hyperinflationary depression of Weimar Republic proportions looms on the horizon. 

I would say that the people have one chance and one chance only.  Do not let the bankers and their enforcers throw you out of your house!  Better to start the ball now or the bankers will have millions thrown out into the street. 

Property owners and renters need to work it out; we are indeed all in this together and there will be blood on the streets of every city in America if we allow this to happen.

You have been betrayed by your last two presidents especially, each robbing you of your freedom and your future.  Do not allow them to steal your hard assets because you can no longer live on their worthless paper.

Tell those bastards that the 6 trillion they recently stole from us just paid off all of our properties.  And while they’re at it, they can shove their corporate-sponsored vaccines also.

If you wish to continue your life as a lab rat that will end up dead or enslaved at the end of their grand experiment, then go ahead and lay down for it. 

Politicize this at your peril.  Draw the line now or dig your grave later.   







Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

Chautauqua had to leave his home due to the fires. Keep him in your thoughts.

freefall said...

Thanks for the information.