Monday, August 24, 2020

Breaking All the Rules


There are certain rules that human beings are meant to live by.  We mostly suffer due to our collective failure to follow those rules.

Because of this, we will continue our suffering until we are willing to admit where we went wrong.  I hope that’s not when the looters turn on the same white liberals that previously protested alongside them or when the guns of the Right are confiscated by their own troops.  This is what we have coming if we don’t wake up soon.

I don’t care who you vote for, if you are satisfied with psychopaths ruining our lives, I can promise you that you will see what I say before this is over. 

My partner recently visited her family in Portland.  Late one evening, the protesters dressed in black riot gear walked down their street saying, “What’s his name!” 

Fortunately, they were on their way to hassle another police precinct this time around.  But what happens after the grocery stores are empty due to collapsing supply-lines or it costs twenty dollars for a gallon of milk?

As far as gun confiscation goes, they are not going to bring in a plumber to do the work of an electrician.  They are going to use those with the skills to do the job and no amount of lying to yourself is going to change that.  Martial law makes all political differences go away.

Aside from the idolatry, especially towards our last two presidents, the next rule we broke has to do with greed.  We have raped the earth for it, robbed our neighbors at home and abroad as well as continuing our endless wars of aggression (yet another broken rule). 

During these times, everything returns to its original value.  We are already beginning to see the true worth of our money, our wars, our religions, our institutions, etc.  And we will be destroyed by what we previously supported. 

And we don’t deserve this?  When are you going to come clean, America?  You are getting exactly what you deserve for breaking all the rules.    

In our life lessons, the instructor often allows the student to suffer the consequences of their unconscious actions in order to encourage growth.  But when the spirit knows that the level of resistance cannot be overcome, it’s time to send them on their way. 

Take heed.  Time is running out.


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