Monday, August 24, 2020

Breaking All the Rules


There are certain rules that human beings are meant to live by.  We mostly suffer due to our collective failure to follow those rules.

Because of this, we will continue our suffering until we are willing to admit where we went wrong.  I hope that’s not when the looters turn on the same white liberals that previously protested alongside them or when the guns of the Right are confiscated by their own troops.  This is what we have coming if we don’t wake up soon.

I don’t care who you vote for, if you are satisfied with psychopaths ruining our lives, I can promise you that you will see what I say before this is over. 

My partner recently visited her family in Portland.  Late one evening, the protesters dressed in black riot gear walked down their street saying, “What’s his name!” 

Fortunately, they were on their way to hassle another police precinct this time around.  But what happens after the grocery stores are empty due to collapsing supply-lines or it costs twenty dollars for a gallon of milk?

As far as gun confiscation goes, they are not going to bring in a plumber to do the work of an electrician.  They are going to use those with the skills to do the job and no amount of lying to yourself is going to change that.  Martial law makes all political differences go away.

Aside from the idolatry, especially towards our last two presidents, the next rule we broke has to do with greed.  We have raped the earth for it, robbed our neighbors at home and abroad as well as continuing our endless wars of aggression (yet another broken rule). 

During these times, everything returns to its original value.  We are already beginning to see the true worth of our money, our wars, our religions, our institutions, etc.  And we will be destroyed by what we previously supported. 

And we don’t deserve this?  When are you going to come clean, America?  You are getting exactly what you deserve for breaking all the rules.    

In our life lessons, the instructor often allows the student to suffer the consequences of their unconscious actions in order to encourage growth.  But when the spirit knows that the level of resistance cannot be overcome, it’s time to send them on their way. 

Take heed.  Time is running out.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Draw the Line


The first trick the devil ever pulled was to make us believe that he did not exist.  But after too many people saw through that ruse, his next trick was to make us believe that he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.  Sound familiar?

It’s important to remember that while we continue to argue over the vagaries of the virus, this is just the first wave of what they have in store for us. 

Obama turned over the treasury for the bankers to rob us in broad daylight and Trump has pretty much allowed them to finish it off.  A hyperinflationary depression of Weimar Republic proportions looms on the horizon. 

I would say that the people have one chance and one chance only.  Do not let the bankers and their enforcers throw you out of your house!  Better to start the ball now or the bankers will have millions thrown out into the street. 

Property owners and renters need to work it out; we are indeed all in this together and there will be blood on the streets of every city in America if we allow this to happen.

You have been betrayed by your last two presidents especially, each robbing you of your freedom and your future.  Do not allow them to steal your hard assets because you can no longer live on their worthless paper.

Tell those bastards that the 6 trillion they recently stole from us just paid off all of our properties.  And while they’re at it, they can shove their corporate-sponsored vaccines also.

If you wish to continue your life as a lab rat that will end up dead or enslaved at the end of their grand experiment, then go ahead and lay down for it. 

Politicize this at your peril.  Draw the line now or dig your grave later.   






Saturday, August 15, 2020

A Time to Cry

 Contemporary America with a twist:

Tom Sell-Out: “This ain’t my first rodeo.  I’m here to double-down on my lies just like your president.  Reverse-mortgages make you a hired hand living in the banker’s bunkhouse.  But with our collapsing housing market, it looks like your equity won’t go as far as it once did.   

After the moratorium on rent and mortgage payments are lifted, millions of Americans will be thrown into the streets.  Don’t you be one of them.

Mostly, we want you in there to keep up the property as we all know things fall apart much faster when neglected, especially when the looters are running rampant.

The housing market will turn around some day.  It’s just that, most likely, you won’t be around to see it. 

When you die, the banks will take over your property leaving your family without a penny and stuck paying exorbitant rates for your burial due to viral decontamination measures now being instituted across the country.   

But you can bet you’re a$$ that I don’t have a reverse mortgage on my property.  My ranch will be paid in full with this check I receive for lying to you.  And I’ll do it again if I have to.

After all, I’m the same all-around-cowboy-and-police-chief-man-of-integrity that I play on T.V.  If you’re stupid enough to believe that being a reality TV star and 4-time bankrupt businessman qualifies for being your president, why couldn’t I bullshit my way out of this one?”





Vacuous Eye Candy Press Secretary (channeled by a demon): “The president never said that you should shoot up with Lysol.  And he also never said that wearing a mask is for wimps.”

Reporter: “Does the president think that, due to his lies now being exposed regarding the corona virus as well as selling out his country to the banks while turning the people into a nation of welfare recipients will adversely affect his chances for re-election?”

VEC: “Not really.  His followers already drank the Kool-Aide and the president is just waiting for more of their bodies to drop.” 

Reporter: “Why is the president finally coming around about wearing masks and why has he been so duplicitous regarding everything surrounding this pandemic including not wearing a mask himself for so long?”

Vacuous Eye Candy: (looking directly into the camera): “The president wants you dead.  That makes him little different than the previous presidents at least since JFK.  But this president could very well be responsible for millions of American deaths before this is over.  And he’s off to a good start. No telling how many have died due to believing his lies surrounding the bioweapon.”      

(Press Secretary coming out of her trance and feeling disoriented): “No more questions.”




New bumper stickers gone viral: “I Survived the First Wave!”  Get yours while supplies last.  “Second Wave” pre-orders taken until the end of September. 

And remember, there’s still time to order our newest limited-edition tee-shirt previously sold only in hospital gift shops, “Is it a Hoax Now, Asshole?”




General: “We take our protection of insignificant civilian peasants very seriously.  That’s why we recently flew Lakota and Blackhawk helicopters over protesters to intimidate them into dispersing.  Sort of makes you wonder about those fighter jets flying over sporting events and hospitals doesn’t it?”




Agent Provocateur: “Is everybody here?  Okay, this half of the group go down to the next block.  There will be a pallet of bricks on the corner just like the one here.  I’ll let you know when to throw them through the store windows.” 

“No, like I already told you, the cops won’t bother us.  They’re in on it too.”




In music news, the artist formerly known as Drumpf has recently been released from his band, “The Maskless Bastards.” 

Lead Guitarist: “I’m so confused.  Drumpf named the band himself and now he starts wearing a mask on-stage?  I just don’t know who to believe anymore.” 

With Drumpf as their front man, the band has had a number of hits including, “Only Criminals Wear Them,” and “Kiss the Wall, Have a Ball,” both from their debut album, “Hot War at Home.”

It’s well known that the band has long been having problems with its rival, “Senile Joe and the Desperadoes.”  The current trouble has to do with allegations of copyright infringement violations as Senile Joe claims that he wrote the lyrics to his song, “Take the Shot,” but Drumpf changed the title to “Stocks in Vaccines, A Psychopath’s Dream.”

Senile Joe: “All Drumpf did was change a few words and put in a riff for his lead guitar.” 

Reporter: “If this is so, Senile Joe, then why do you need a teleprompter to read the lyrics that you supposedly wrote yourself?”

Senile Joe: “I’ve written hundreds of songs in my lifetime.  I can’t be expected to remember the words to all of them.”

Reports coming in reveal that Drumpf has decided to go solo.




Biker Dude at Sturgis Rally (lifting up his beer bottle): “We don’t need no stinking masks!  This is America; land of the free."

Reporter: “But I notice that you guys are all strictly adhering to the “no smoking” policies inside the local bars.” 

Biker Dude: “Of course, it’s a major health risk.  Smoking indoors is just irresponsible.”








Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Ghost of Albert Pike

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…” 

To this day, I continue to read and listen to the work of those who have much to offer. And yet many of them still refuse to face the Jewish/Zionist influence upon America and the complete destruction that continues to unfold because of it. 

Do you really think that 20 years of murdering for a foreign country does not have its consequences? The Zionist Theocracy that the American people are now forced to serve and are not even allowed to discuss, the genocide of millions as payment for Israel’s attack on 9/11, the control (and ultimate collapse) of the dollar that will lead to mass homelessness and starvation, the control of our media and entertainment as well as the bought-and-paid-for-dual-Israeli-citizen politicians, and any investigation into the Jewish influence in America should be dismissed as Anti-Semitic?  

Sorry, but I go where the evidence takes me. 

As far as blaming all Jews for the actions of an elite few, much can be revealed through simple observation. Looks to me like the run-of-the-mill Jews are getting the same as the run-of-the-mill Gentiles. Obviously, those in control here in America care no more for one than they do the other. That’s because they know very well the true nature of the god they serve. Do you? 

“We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.” 

“Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.” 

Putting Christianity in with the Trump philosophy leads to an evil beyond redemption. Those that ever thought they could follow both will soon be getting a name change for their OT Demon, although his behavior will remain the same, only worse. This time, its followers will literally be turned upon by their own. 

Christians killing Muslims on behalf of Jews will result in the destruction of all three while the demons inherent in all of these Abrahamic religions will rise to the top to displace them all. 

As for myself, I’ve already rejected their demonic god and will continue to do so no matter what name they give it. For the rest, you don’t get to hide behind religion, skin color, politics or anything else for very much longer. You will either accept or reject it as well as deal with the consequences of your choices. 

For those that will accept no substitutes for their own inner knowing, including their realization of the true nature of God, may you find peace in a world gone mad. Know that perfect justice will prevail despite the generational plans of nihilistic Satanic fools that only have the power to steal and destroy rather than to heal and create.