Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Onward and Downward


The centerpiece of their sick show is their depopulation agenda.  Each vaccine variation of the virus is being used to scare us into taking the next infective shot. 

Every malady resulting from the jab requires other deathcare interventions.  Shingles activated by the jab now requires another vaccination for shingles.  Neurological problems keeping the person under constant spasms as their life-energy is drained from them.  Heart attacks and inflammation, strokes, deep vein thrombosis, and other problems associated with the vaccine require inpatient intervention possibly costing the patient millions making it a toss-up whether one would even want to survive with the life of sickness and poverty that awaits them.

Either way, they will be out of it.  They will no longer be of value to the resistance or a threat to monsters.  Living hand-to-mouth is a full-time job and most will end up being too dependent, weak, and sick to fight anymore.


The Biden Administration had to admit that the drone strike on the “terrorists with bombs in a car” in Afghanistan were really people offering true humanitarian aid and were transporting containers of water.  But they forgot that only the military is allowed to do such things, so they were blown up anyway and our government tried to cover it up afterwards.  I can think of no better example that epitomizes the entire war on terror.  Endless retaliation against the innocent while the guilty hand down the orders.  


Ivermectin is being demonized more than ever these days.  Even my local newspaper with its cut-and-paste journalistic sell-outs are writing against it.  It looks to me that Joe Rogan’s success story regarding this medication has done some damage to their narrative.  India’s success using Ivermectin is even more impressive. 

Here in America, the best way to procure Ivermectin is to become a refugee on the border. 

People wouldn’t be desperate enough to use animal-grade medications if these traitorous and murderous doctors would prescribe the human form for their patients.  How about suggesting taking Vitamin C as a preventative?

When the masses finally figure out that it’s the vaccinations that are killing them, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near a deathcare worker of any kind.


The Jewish vaccination holocaust continues as Israel currently leads the way for being Big Pharma’s guinea pigs.  Governments killing their own appears to be the agenda and the leaders of each country are all carrying it out.  At the rate it is going, the Palestinians will survive them. 

Talmudic Jews betrayed by Luciferians?  It’s certainly starting to look that way.  God’s punishment or Satan’s reward?  I’ll let the reader decide.  


I’m aware of rocket ships blasting off all around me.  I’m just not paying much attention to the distraction.  But I must admit that the recent “Plebs in Space Oddity” gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.  Just as many have described feeling after taking the shot. 

And isn’t that what it’s all about?


How could any country survive such treason at all levels along with the suicidal stupidity of supporting those that are carrying it out? 

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