Friday, January 22, 2021


Now that our last 4-year-dictator has been replaced by a new one, the picture begins to clear and the brilliance of our demonic overlords is further revealed.  They never wanted Fascism for their Global political system; they want Communism.

But the move to make all other options tainted with the same brush as what happened at the Nation’s Capital is right out of the pages of an advanced alien race that uses us for their playthings.

Gun-owners prepared to defend their homes against the radicalized mobs on either side that are one event away from putting us in the same environment as our “enemies” abroad will all now be marketed as being domestic terrorists.

Those questioning the safety and efficacy of the vaccines must support sedition!

If you don’t believe me, just watch the news programs to verify what I’m saying.  A society being stretched to its limits is more than willing for their government to make massive changes to keep them from starving to death.  Fear of death is their favorite tool.

Because this one group of idiots treated their own government the same way that we treat government’s elsewhere, the masses are on-board with complete and total compliance with all things being handed down to us.  So many are in so much debt and at the edge of being part of the upcoming hunger games that they’ll be fine with subsistence living in squalor while the elite live large on the fruits of their slave labor.  Of course, they no longer need most of us anyway. 

Now it all comes down to how they will get us to kill each other off in greater numbers.  Obviously, the virus as well as the vaccine being rolled out are there to start the show. 

My guess is that full-scale gun confiscation will come after they introduce the next round of national violence.  Turn up the heat high enough and there will be so many home-grown active shooters out there that they won’t even need their MK-Ultra stooges.  They’ll save them for more personal targets.  Whatever way they do it, it will be epic.

I’ve been watching a couple of chess shows lately, namely “The Queen’s Gambit” and “Searching for Bobby Fischer.”

It becomes apparent that those who want us dead are manipulating our minds through our emotions creating another extreme political backlash and getting us to do their bidding while singling out groups now seen as an enemy to the rest of the herd.  They’ll start with the groups that are legitimate threats but that’s not where they will end. 

We are pawns in their current game of destruction and each move made brings us closer to our collision course with the combat zone and the iron fist of government in restoring order.  And I haven’t even addressed the racial issues.   

Checkmate?  I would say so, unless we are willing to take a nice heaping spoonful of humility.  The example of “doubling-down” on lies when you’re wrong could be the most destructive legacy left to us by our last president. 


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