Sunday, August 20, 2023

Bombs Away


I'm waiting for the extra-terrestrial strawman to be blamed for the next batch of fires.  Once the evidence becomes too overwhelming that these fires did not occur naturally, they're going to need a "Plan B."

It's not that aliens don't exist; it's that they are often used as "red herrings" to divert attention away from government mischief.  Once they're ready to bring us together to fight the common enemy, I'm sure the alien menace will be used heavily in their narrative.

Everything has gone so "deep fake" that I'm not sure what is true anymore.  When we see the religious avatars suspended in the sky, will they be real or a hologram?  Then again, maybe it's all a hologram.  

Here in America, each state has been targeted by their government in their own special way.  The same goes for countries.

Starvation due to destroyed crops and food warehouses, DEW fires that liquify glass, DNA-altering medical treatment, genocidal wars, power failures, crumbling infrastructures and sanitation systems, GMO food, the deliberate poisoning of the air and water, etc.  This is going to get really nasty for all of us soon.

I remember watching an interview of a lady that survived one of the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Japan.  She said that her city was previously left alone while the Allies were bombing everywhere around them.  They were being saved for the big event.

Personally, my money is on dollar collapse this time around.  When so many are deprived of their true source of worship, that's when the real chaos and destruction will ensue.  If you don't believe me, just remember all of the lying murderers, mandators, gaslighters and enforcers that have already pushed liquid death upon their own people in return for money.  

What will become of them after the Sheckels that they sold their souls for have lost all of their value? And what sort of threat will those with nothing left to lose be to the rest of us?

And in the middle of all this, they could run their next batch of boosters and/or 5G frequency bursts to our brains.  

The bombs dropping on us today are our own.  

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