Monday, July 4, 2022

The Heart of the Madness


The irony of living in a collapsing empire while concurrently celebrating our freedom from government tyranny is at the heart of the madness of the American mind.

In my lifetime, not one of our wars have been fought for freedom but for corporate gain as well as the added benefit of culling the global population.  As long as they were bringing the jobs back home, waving our flags and supporting the troops was really meant to thank them for our prosperity at the expense of others.

But clown-prince Clinton put an end to that deal due to NAFTA, and that “giant sucking sound” is now getting down to the dregs.   

The truth is that slavery never really ended; it was just outsourced.  As with the infomercials asking to give money to rehabilitate abused animals, perhaps we can contribute to the lives of our slave laborers abroad?  Maybe we can sponsor our own personal slave that we will know by name and will help ensure that our Amazon orders are properly packaged and delivered.  If we have any problems, our on-site servant can assist us. 

In other words, America’s prosperity of the more recent past has been at the expense of others, just as it has been from the beginning.    

Some of us are looking for a better way.  A way where trade with others is more equitable for both the buyer and the seller and you don’t have to destroy the planet to make the product or its packaging.  Solving these problems would be good use of our high-technology. 

And by the way, fuck the billionaires!  They are all controlled-opposition playing off the politicians to get the punch-drunk public to worship them and their mammon.  I’d rather go back to the horse and carriage than living under the thumb of their conveniences and inventions.  After all, they end up using them as weapons against us anyway.  Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will show us just how much they care after all their business competition has been eliminated.  Their fellow eugenicist, Bill Gates, has already shown us his compassion by financing these vaccination programs.

The one thing that continues to change is that people are being forced to face the truth of what has become of them due to who and what they have served and supported.  But even now, most continue to believe in the institutions being destroyed by their own corruption and irrelevancy.    

I must assume that many who have taken the vaccines now greatly regret it.  The reasons they were given for taking them have all been shown to be lies.  It reminds me of the lies we were told to justify our wars.  But this time, the supporters have walked into the arena themselves by taking the vaccines. 

The truth regarding these bioweapons and their continued horrific effects cannot remain hidden forever.  The sterilization, maiming, and genocide across all age groups throughout the world can only be eclipsed by world war, nuclear annihilation, and climate collapse, all of which have also become strong possibilities in the near-future.

Real estate has begun its downward death spiral with an “equal and opposite reaction” that will leave millions stranded “underwater” in their homes. Many will walk away along with the newly evicted living in their cars and tents while the bank enforcers who threw them out will be left to fight off the squatters in the millions of empty homes that will cover the country.  Or maybe they’ll just leave them in place to rob and harass their neighbors who kept up with their payments.   

Dollar collapse will introduce Third World living for most of us and, at some point, this is when they will trot out the politicians and billionaires to save us once again.  Unfortunately, there will be much fewer of us around to care after being left to fight and starve for a prolonged period of time beforehand.

The sooner that the lies regarding our so-called freedom are shattered, the sooner we can pursue true freedom. But we must face the truth about our past before we can create a better future.

Otherwise, our illusions of freedom will continue to be defined by tyrants and its supposed boundaries enforced by fools.      


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