Thursday, July 7, 2022

Cancel Culture and Lullaby Minds


As with everything else turned upon its head, the prerequisite for becoming “Woke” is to have a lullaby mind.

I was watching a video of John McEnroe telling the media clowns that Serena Williams would rank around 700 in the world if she competed against men.  They didn’t like that very much:

(266) Tennis Legend Triggers Panel Over Gender Differences. - YouTube

All anyone needs to do to know the truth is to watch how transgender men-turned-women are being banned from competing in women’s sports because they are dominating the field.  

But if that’s still not enough, there is, of course, a simple solution to this question.  Have Serena play the men’s circuit for a year and see how it works out.   Hell, throw in a few transgenders while you’re at it and see how well they do.  It’s an experiment at this point anyway as I’ve never seen a society descend into such madness.   

I know how it can all become confusing watching women beating up men who are twice their size on the T.V. and movie screens.  But that’s not reality.

And since we’re getting into the gender issue, I don’t think lesbians should be allowed to comment on abortion.  Since they will never carry a child of their own to term, they deserve no more part in the discussion than men.  What do they really care about the choices made by others when they will never have any “skin in the game” themselves?   

And for those who would say that some of these women will get pregnant through artificial means, we must assume that, if they are willing to go through such trouble, then they also wish to keep their babies. 


Looks like the Biden Administration is hanging Brittney Griner, the gay professional women’s basket player, out to dry as she recently admitted in a Russian court that the illegal cannabis vape cartridge found in her bag was her own.  In Russia, this crime carries a sentence of up to 10 years. 

Crickets from the White House as his Woke supporters are beginning to see just how much he really cares about them.  The self-implosion continues:

(266) Brittney Griner pleads GUILTY! Biden administration looks like FOOLS claiming WRONGFULLY DETAINED! - YouTube

I’m not sure that there’s much hope for this bunch.  I’ve heard that 95% of the Alphabet people took the vaccines and that alone is going to cancel their culture. 

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got today.  Tune in next week and I’ll write about the warmongers on the Right and what became of their children who ran from their predation.  Oh, that’s right.  I just did. 

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