Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Capitulators


The stadium had been filled to capacity.  The spectators in the stands were wildly discussing why they had received their virtual tickets after the participants down below had already been awarded theirs earlier in the month.

The participants on the field of play didn’t know why they had received their virtual golden tickets either.  They had just discovered them on their vaccine certification apps a month before attending the event.  Apparently, they were to receive an award, but again, they didn’t know why.

The president appeared on the giant screen above them all.  It would be the one time that he would actually end up telling them the truth:

“I would like to thank all of you for attending this event.  I’m sorry for such short notice, but we knew most of you would attend without even knowing what it was about.  After all, you are the ones that have always gone along with the program without question.”

“Those in the stands that have been given their virtual green tickets should give yourselves a round of applause.  You are the spectators in our event tonight and I’m sure that this experience will have a lasting impression upon you.  We of the elite are proud of you for your unquestioning loyalty and allegiance.” 

“You will be making a new pledge at the end of this event.  Don’t worry; nothing will really change.” 

“But this grand spectacle is more about those down on the field.  According to our databases, you are the most loyal of all to the State.  And your loyalty will not go unrewarded.”

(The spectators applaud the participants down below).

“The level of your compliance is phenomenal.  Alpha, Delta, and Theta strains of the virus with all the accompanying vaccines and boosters that you’ve so loyally taken have made a big difference.  Although we remain at war with the virus, we will beat it yet!”

(The stadium erupts in applause).

“But the biggest difference between the participants and the spectators here this evening is the willingness of those down below to notify the authorities after discovering the non-compliance of others.  Even with our current level of surveillance technology, we really couldn’t have been so completely successful without you.”

“As our news programs have repetitively told you, the vast majority of the anti-vaxxers and gun owners have now been either exterminated or taken to the camps.  Although the guerilla domestic terrorists continue to be a problem, your timely phone calls, texts and e-mails continue to assist us in eradicating our common problem.” 

“Again, let’s give these participants one more round of applause!”

(The spectators comply).

“And now on to the Awards Ceremony!”

Suddenly, armed troops dressed all in black from their boots to their helmets surround both the spectators and the participants. 

The field that the participants are standing on begins to crumble.  It was only comprised of a thin layer of Astroturf with the steel supports now being removed underneath.  As the screaming participants try to escape the open pit, they are shoved back by the enforcers with bayonets affixed to their rifles. 

While the horrified spectators can hear the diminishing screams of those falling into the abyss, they never hear a sound signifying the bottom.

The madman that they once took for their president now stands above them in person surrounded by armed guards.

“Here is the just reward for stool pigeons,” said the president.  “If they can be so easily duped into betraying their own, why would we trust them after they have served their purpose for us? 

“They are the Capitulators!”

The spectators stood dumb-founded.  Most simply could not come to terms with what they had just seen. 

“If you haven’t realized it yet, you have just witnessed a mass human sacrifice on behalf of our lord and master, Lucifer,” the president said. “Our wars have been committed for much the same reasons.”

“And all that’s left for you to do now is pledge your allegiance or join the participants in the pit!”



The remaining spectators walked out of the stadium in an orderly fashion.  They quietly walked to their cars and waited their turn to exit the parking lot before driving down the empty streets to their homes. 

They could find no solace in the silence.



Saturday, August 14, 2021

A Burned-Out Sky

Basking in the failure of Afghanistan

The Taliban wins the final hand

Soldiers running back and forth in the sand

Will only delay the final hand


Failed vaccines blamed on the infected

Scare tactics becoming worse than expected

Will a vaccine with a break-through mutation

Cause a resistant strain across the nation


Smoke sifting through the trees in the yard

Eyes that water, breathing hard

Taking time to rest a spell

No water from the dried-out well


Heat lid on the pot slamming down

But the other frogs don’t hear a sound

I croak at them that the flames have arrived

But they just roll onto their other side


Federal Reserve and their henchmen buying it all

Hard assets for paper to line our walls

No wasted space between the stalls

If the bedrooms are taken then sleep in the halls


Running low on the food supply

It’s hard to grow with a burned-out sky


But it gives the chem-trails a place to hide



Thursday, August 12, 2021

Show and Tell

What would it be like if this site was taken down?  What would it be like if all sites even remotely resembling the content of this site were taken down?

What if all you were allowed to hear and see was what your government told you?  What if you never even heard a different story? 

The only way out is to pull from within.  And the ultimate test of what world you serve, the inner or the outer, is coming for us all.

At this stage, I am having some problems wasting my time discussing the same bullshit I’ve already worked through years ago.  We simply don’t have the time.  Being one step ahead of the gallows is cutting it close.

With that being said, I’ll miss the other sites when they’re gone as they have probably taught me more than I could ever teach them.  That’s because I choose not to discount the entire content of an article just because I don’t agree with aspects of it. 

Truth does not fear investigation.  And finding that truth is the only way out for any of us. 



Teacher: What do you want to be when you grow up, freefall?

Freefall: I want to be a contrarian despised by all.  I want to be a social pariah. 

Teacher: Will you make good money with your writing, freefall?

Freefall: I will make no money from my writing.  It would tempt me to join a group.  It would make no difference what group I would join; conservative, liberal, fascist, socialist, religionist…it matters little.  To join a group would result in calling forth the polarized mind of the masses, bringing many to my side as well as many opposed.

This would get my site popping.  This would increase my traffic and maybe I could even add a donation button at the top. 

But then it would become a business.  And when it becomes a business, those I had once seen as collaborators would then become my competitors.  And all of our mutual growth would come to an end.

Teacher: What do you think of those who see you as competition thereby limiting their own potential for collectively finding the way out?

Freefall: How can I not still see them as allies, in spite of our differences?  I am a contrarian; I am always at odds with others.  With them it is less than most.  They now find themselves under the same threat as me.

My job is to get them, especially them, to continue to question and investigate their beliefs.  For example, if we don’t make it past the medical tyranny coming down on us now, the name of any government on the other side will still be tyranny.  As a matter of fact, it has been the end result of all governments throughout history.  Perhaps it is time to seek something new. 

Teacher: So, you are basically doomed to be despised by those you most respect?

Freefall: That’s right.

Teacher: Sounds like a shit sandwich to me, kid.

Freefall: Maybe so, but it’s big enough for all of us to take a bite of these days.  





Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Over the Line

It’s amazing how my priorities continue to shift during this “Shock and Awe” phase of the pogrom.  I now consider my greatest imminent threat to be enforced vaccination. 

They say that war makes for strange bedfellows and I can see this one shaping up for me.  Not much need for masks when the bullets start flying. 

I would like to take this moment to thank the gutless wonders who are pushing for someone else to force these vaccines upon us.  This part of the cull could not be rolled out without you.  It reeks of the typical liberal love that always ends up hurting someone else.   

But at some point, the prison riots will ensue once again.  And we all know what happens to “jailhouse snitches” during these times.  Although my adherence to natural law precludes participation in such madness, it’s hard to have much sympathy for you.  You people are as evil as the tools who would enforce it. 

While humanity continues to be manipulated into killing each other off over manufactured calamities, most will never perceive the greater threats like economic and especially climate collapse until it is too late.

As far as you deluded souls mostly from the Left:  You’ve stepped over the line when it comes to other people’s bodies.  Break free from your hypocrisy or others will be stepping over yours before this is over.      




Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Unseen World

From the start of this Plandemic, I have known that this is the beginning of their End Game, and that most of us are probably not going to be around for very much longer. 

All the collective has to pull from are the failed systems of the past, with the vultures hovering over Capitalism and the destitute awaiting the austerity of Communism.  It may keep you from “sleeping in your shoes,” but quality of life for the majority of the rest is going to take a nose-dive. 

The vaccine Nazis want the “anti-vaxxers” to be held down and injected with the venom.  One day, a person appears to be rational and the next (with a little pull of their emotional strings) they become raving maniacs. A nation of compliance junkies wanting Big Daddy government to do their dirty work.  Anything but face the fact that “We’re screwed!”  What good are your vaccines if you so fear the unvaccinated?

The booster is coming soon, slaves.    It will be about the same time that the MSM can no longer hide the fact that these vaccines are worse than useless, being neither safe nor effective at preventing this disease.  I’m waiting for these vaccinated zombies to be lit up by 5G microwaves that will make them no longer able to function in an intelligent way.  Judging by their current behavior, they may be running some beta tests already.

As we all continue our descent into madness, the nastiness of those pushing their repetitive historically failed systems makes it difficult for any real headway to be made concerning our problems.  The comment boards have degenerated from rational discussions in the mornings to the hyperbolic spurious nonsense of drunkards at night making the trolls redundant. 

Smoke weed; a Grade A treatment for right brain atrophy.  You may even begin to understand what the author is really trying to say.

The way out can only be found in the unseen world.  In order to access it fully, we must be willing to admit we have been wrong as well as experiencing the natural sorrow for the horrific damage to everyone and everything on this planet that has been caused due to our willful ignorance.  Don’t let any of the nonsense to be found in the holy books detract from this natural experience of true awakening that must be traversed for any renewal of the mind towards something better. 

On the bright side, even if the answers don’t arrive on time, we will still be aboard the proper ride into eternity.