Friday, April 16, 2021

End Game

“On the FEMA camp walls is a picture of all of our American Presidents still living, standing arm-in-arm, smiling and laughing, having a toast to our stupidity…”

So many stories to write, so little time.

Biden now says he wants to end these “Endless Wars.”  What about ending your endless lies?

The Obama/Biden Administration had eight years to honor their campaign promises of doing the very thing that Biden is doing now.  Instead, in addition to expanding the wars committed in countries they inherited, they added to it by invading Libya and Syria.   

Why would the troops be brought home at this time?  Could it be for “Operation American Freedom” or whatever propagandist phrase they wish to call it?  If Chauvin is acquitted, they will need to be put into action immediately.  With the proper prompting, the radicalized Right will also initiate violence in their own special way.  Justification for government retaliation is easily obtained due to the actions of these useful idiots on both sides.   

The monster will soon turn upon itself to a degree that can no longer be denied.  Look for an upcoming “Active shooter extravaganza” to bring in gun confiscation measures so only “heroes” and villains will have guns.  The 9/11 troop withdrawal deadline is also troubling in regards to their next false flag.     

The point is that an emotionally spent and financially strapped populace can easily be manipulated.  And if the sell-outs surrounding us haven’t walked away from their jobs of exploiting and/or enforcing the will of psychopaths upon others, most sure as hell are not going to during these tough times.

The real estate balloon continues to inflate at a rate in which our money supply will soon follow.  This will have to do with the bubble bursting and stock market crashing but I’ll leave it to the financial experts to determine the timing.  And what happens when the moratorium is finally lifted on rents and house payments?  Can payments even be made with a currency that everybody knows is worthless?

Are they going to leave the poor in place and have them be perpetual renters while given their monthly allowance?  Or will they be thrown into the streets with thousands of empty houses surrounding them?  And what will this do to the real estate market if that happens?  Supply and demand will be turned on its head let alone the legions of the next round of rioters and looters.   

Throw in a manufactured Climactic shit-storm that will increase forest fires and drought along with the strong possibility of lighting up the “Ring of Fire,” and even the most practiced spiritual adept will find the physical and emotional upheaval surrounding them challenging to overcome.

Prepare now.  Whatever disciplines you may have, increase your time spent upon them. They are meant to develop what we take with us.  In this way, no matter the outcome, we can’t lose.       


1 comment:

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

There have been more shootings lately than usual. I think this bioengineered virus has in its design to drive people nuts on top of the social engineered social distancing. These (deadly) vaccines (more enrichment of the few already rich - investors in vaccines and big pharma like Faux-see) have been in use for several months now, and I believe they are also designed to drive us to insanity. Where will it end.