Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Uncharted Territory

Looks like the global population reduction program is shifting into overdrive. The new virus killing the Chinese people could very well be a bio-weapon released by their own government.

It’s possible that we will never see WWIII at all. Instead of the nuclear holocaust that would probably occur when the most powerful countries turned upon each other, why not have the governments kill off their own? It’s not like it hasn’t been done before, including in America.

Americans obviously have a soft-kill program running against them by the government/corporate alliance that has been ramped up ever since 9/11. From chem-trails to GMO food, 5G, toxic medications, oil and gas run-off into our water supply as well as the endless tide of radiation from Fukushima, it’s like walking through a mine-field in this country.

If we follow their 90% depopulation agenda, war and disease are good places to start. And with the end of their side-show impeachment proceedings, we now know that the Office of President is completely above the law, making a mockery out of the entire system. Eventually, all that will remain is the law of the gun. That’s why they want to take ours.

Making allowances for ignoring subpoenas, not allowing witnesses to testify and granting shorter sentences to convicted criminals as a reward for not implicating their president while firing those who told the truth at his expense reveals a justice system gone rogue. How this will not eventually lead to the law of the jungle and blood on the streets is beyond me.

For the Zionist jihadis wanting more war, disease, pestilence or anything else to turn this planet into a living hell so Jesus will whisk them away to paradise, their “Malthusian Messiah” is making all of their dreams come true. Take them now Jesus, so the rest of us have a chance to live in peace. We will never have peace as long as these nihilist nincompoops keep drinking the Kool-Aide. I’m quite sure these chumps give Trump and his handlers a good laugh.

America is now in uncharted territory. There no longer is any semblance of restraints placed upon our executive branch. And it is currently occupied by a Zionist traitor who fights his strings by murdering the innocent.

What we don’t know is where it will end.

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