Wednesday, February 19, 2020

KIlling Yourself to Live

Nihilism- a viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless.

In order to understand where we find ourselves today, we must first delve into the depths of the conditioned mind.

I contend that there is an unconscious nihilism that now encircles the collective consciousness. Like the Silver Surfer attempting to fly beyond earth’s boundaries, those who seek a Higher calling are constantly thwarted by the insanity that surrounds them including the complete indifference or radicalization of these “store-bought” beliefs by the masses depending on the brand of their brain-washing.

But there is something about this philosophy that all cosmic travelers must pass through; a sort of purgatory meant to be transcended when the individual is ready. It is the place you find yourself when you fully understand that everything you were ever taught to believe is a lie.

It is in the nothingness of nihilism that we can hear the celestial music of the spheres. Within the depths of this hell is where our salvation can be found; where we can become renewed.

But alas, most remain in this place between heaven and hell until the bitter end. It is their “beliefs” that make it so, as they are used to keep them running from themselves.

The Zionist Christian unconsciously prays for war in order to be lifted out of the world of their own creation. Without the rapture fairy-tale to give them hope, only nihilism remains. They support their president when he threatens nuclear annihilation. These people are completely insane.

But no less so than the “Bug-chasers for Open Borders” who worship at the same altar. Their Agenda 2030 depopulation program is running ahead of schedule.

With so many people having unconscious nihilism as their religion, is it any wonder that we are collapsing as a society?

Karma will always grant your request. It makes no distinction whether or not you are aware of why you made it.

A conscious choice can only be made by going towards the pain.

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