Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Prelude to Climax

Personally, I consider the entire human experiment to be one great cosmic failure. Once again, we watch the beast of a collapsing empire turn upon itself with the spotlight currently shining on Virginia.

Just like a good story (which is all this really is), you will have a prelude to climax. But the energy that must be built up during this time cannot be sustained indefinitely.

We are nearing their climactic event. They’re ready to start a new narrative and most likely, you are not going to be in it for very long. My guess is that no one will be.

The thing about power-hungry demons from hell is that they are not very good at sharing the wealth. We’re already watching the bigger countries gobbling up the smaller ones along with all of their resources. They will turn upon each other in the end with the weapons of the day. And then the demons will have to crawl back into their holes where they belong.

Of course, factions will develop underground. I figure that the machines will have to find new ways to combat their boredom after eliminating the “elite” humans (or whatever form the demons take after they die).

Sadly, I can see little future for America other than the most intense pain and suffering. Coming to terms with this grim future is a challenge for all of us who seek meaning to our lives.

Our personal journey continues and much can be learned in whatever time we have left. May we make the best of it.


Chautauqua said...

Gee, Free ... and I thought I was darkly pessimistic about the future :( and generally depressed. Must say brother, that I pretty much concur with you point for point.

Even more so now that missiles are flying from Iran at our Iraq bases! Between the Impeachment and the impending war designed to distract from it, we're in for some nasty, brutal times...starting right about tomorrow.

Still I daily struggle to deal with the state of the human condition: some days I don't even see much point in getting out of a warm bed on a cold morning. I think it helps to defray a small bit of the insanity if we can find something to laugh at every day. If we can be of help to a friend, neighbor or perfect stranger. If we can remember to remind ourselves that our understanding is not required; and that there is much we simply cannot know about. If we can understand that hope is a lie, but that it's the very best one, then we can allow ourselves the luxury of what I call provisional hope...even in the darkest of times, like now, for instance.

Y ain't alone my friend.

freefall said...

Thanks for the comment, C. Dealing with the frustration that almost everyone around us is constantly being manipulated into supporting the same people (and country) responsible for their misery is often difficult to bear. It's like watching people, including family and friends, committing spiritual suicide.

And it's getting to the point that we are not even being allowed to talk about it anymore. I notice that Dean Henderson's (Left Hook) site has been taken down.

Fortunately, I have a partner with a good heart as well as my pets to pull me out of my tailspins.

And we must all guard ourselves against falling into the black hole that calls himself our president.

Thanks again for the encouragement. In a world where we have been conditioned to distrust each other even in the "alternative" community, we must continue to do so as we are all in this together.