Thursday, January 16, 2020

Babylonian Hand-Me-Downs

I consider religion to be the invention of demons developed for the purpose of turning the soul into a punching bag. The particular brand I was fed through no fault of my own centered around the “father and son” gods. As time went on, I began to wonder that if each were supposed to be made of the same stuff, then why was their behavior so different?

Both of these characters have been turned into tools for the dark overlords and nowhere is this more apparent than their similarities to our last two presidents. Or more precisely, how our last two presidents mimic the behavior of these gods.

Let’s start with the Nobel Peace Prize Winner and previous “Prince of Peace,” Barack Obama. He managed to expand this war of terror to Libya and Syria while still being deemed as a Savior by many of his followers. I wonder if they would have felt the same way if he re-instituted the draft?

And here we come to the crux of the matter. Generally speaking, those pushing for peace in the Sixties did not do so because they were standing up to the evils of aggression and the understanding of karma. They were only willing to speak out against war when it was their ass on the line. This is why the movement eventually failed. And this is also why enough liberals continue to go along with the next round of lies justifying invasion of a country that is not a threat to us. And false flags (including the next one) don’t qualify as all countries invaded have been used as scapegoats.

With the use of the phony Jesus character out of the way, there can be no doubt as to the nature of Jehovah. His behavior reveals him to be the devil himself.

Getting his minions to genocide others elsewhere appears to be his stock and trade. And his "Chosen Ones" obviously have no qualms about taking over the job.

This sort of god character is portrayed as a bully that doesn’t have to live by his own rules. I consider this a perfect description for Donald Trump.

I must say that I am very disappointed in both of these so-called gods and especially how they are being used. I see no reason why I should be forced to worship either one of them in their current condition. Therefore, I’m holding out for something better than a couple of Babylonian hand-me-downs.

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