Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Look upon the half-man
The “killer on command”
Whose kindness and compassion
Can’t be found in distant lands

He returns from his disaster
To heap more upon his own
It’s our karmic retribution
Now we’re all in the kill-zone

Enter the half-woman
Who plays the soccer game
Though one may find it different
It’s really just the same

A walking contradiction
For running up the score
To copy what is hated
Only leads to further war

They want men weak and jaded
So the predators kill more
While their women at the fore-front
Make it easier than before

When will we admit that
Each has what the other needs?
It’s our own genetic make-up
That’s returning back to seed

So seek your higher nature
With conscious balance between the two
When your done with your illusions
There is only me and you

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