Sunday, December 15, 2019


“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

We all currently find ourselves being hovered over by the stages of death. Personally, I find myself mostly fluctuating between anger and depression. There is a certain frustration involved when understanding the willful ignorance of the masses and the horrific realization that only more pain will offer them any opportunity for awakening. And pain is what we are going to get.

Looking at it as objectively as I can, there is something I have to offer the reader during my psychic attendance at my current level. And if you think that you’re past this anger stage without ever experiencing it, it is your phony goodness that I despise!

What I’m trying to say is that one should look at this blog as a weigh-station on their journey until it is time for them to move on to the next level. For it is not only about seeing the truth but also about living it. In order to find this balance, it’s best to have the right attitude.

I only have so much to offer and what I do here is enough for me to serve my purpose as little as that may be. My current role is being a guidepost to a higher level of consciousness. Do not think that I could be any more than that while being at these lower stages. It’s meant to be temporary for me also.

Seek those who see the world for what it is as well as knowing what is coming down on them and have still found acceptance. These are the true warriors who have transcended the illusion of body and therefore have no fear of death.

Keep going. And then start your own damn blog. I need more teachers.


Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...


Free, hang in there, ok? This does suck beyond all recognition. I imagine it must be much harder to bear for those who are raising children that they care about. I never had to bear the brainwashing of organized religion, had both parents and they were 'runaways', but I did succumb to the brainwashing of the mental health (evil) industry at too young an age.
It's in our DNA to know that life could be so beautiful. This planet, and even in the trows of 3D (brutal) there could be such beauty among humans if only we could shake the fiat money system (and the parasite$ that perpetrate it) and steward the planet. We have done so before. This is so painful.
Please remember your soul/spirit is a spark eternal. Wait, I don't want to push anything on you. Just hang in there, ok? Try to find peace and enjoyment as an act of rebellion. Wait, there I go again. :) :)

freefall said...

No worries, Adaline. Each of us must come to terms with our own mortality, even in good times. Whether one believes in the literal story or not, whoever chooses to stand against what we have coming is going to get the same as he did. And just like over there, much of these atrocities will be committed by those calling themselves Christians.

Going through the stages is a natural progression. If I remain "stuck on stupid" for the remainder of my time down here, perhaps I will be reinserted at another time. But not here...this place is done.

Adaline - Free Leonard Peltier said...

This anger is not stupid. It is a natural reaction to death by a thousand cuts alive. Better to be able let the anger go, harder for men with their societal conditioning, but one can't fake it. Reacting with anger is not going to (in my humble opinion) cause one to be reinserted at another time - if one comes to believe now that it would be a choice to come back that becomes part of their spiritual DNA. So not only where but when now becomes part of their believe system in this life, so when it is time to go, the spirit in fact has choices. Just don't let them trick you to come back.