Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Look upon the half-man
The “killer on command”
Whose kindness and compassion
Can’t be found in distant lands

He returns from his disaster
To heap more upon his own
It’s our karmic retribution
Now we’re all in the kill-zone

Enter the half-woman
Who plays the soccer game
Though one may find it different
It’s really just the same

A walking contradiction
For running up the score
To copy what is hated
Only leads to further war

They want men weak and jaded
So the predators kill more
While their women at the fore-front
Make it easier than before

When will we admit that
Each has what the other needs?
It’s our own genetic make-up
That’s returning back to seed

So seek your higher nature
With conscious balance between the two
When your done with your illusions
There is only me and you

Sunday, December 15, 2019


“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

We all currently find ourselves being hovered over by the stages of death. Personally, I find myself mostly fluctuating between anger and depression. There is a certain frustration involved when understanding the willful ignorance of the masses and the horrific realization that only more pain will offer them any opportunity for awakening. And pain is what we are going to get.

Looking at it as objectively as I can, there is something I have to offer the reader during my psychic attendance at my current level. And if you think that you’re past this anger stage without ever experiencing it, it is your phony goodness that I despise!

What I’m trying to say is that one should look at this blog as a weigh-station on their journey until it is time for them to move on to the next level. For it is not only about seeing the truth but also about living it. In order to find this balance, it’s best to have the right attitude.

I only have so much to offer and what I do here is enough for me to serve my purpose as little as that may be. My current role is being a guidepost to a higher level of consciousness. Do not think that I could be any more than that while being at these lower stages. It’s meant to be temporary for me also.

Seek those who see the world for what it is as well as knowing what is coming down on them and have still found acceptance. These are the true warriors who have transcended the illusion of body and therefore have no fear of death.

Keep going. And then start your own damn blog. I need more teachers.

Friday, December 13, 2019


If you wish to have a vision of the future, it’s easier than you think. All you have to do is investigate all of your second-hand beliefs for yourself (religion, government, education, etc.). With the internet, “the world is your oyster.”

But you better do it fast. The information is already becoming more difficult to find. As the (outer) net tightens, more will be censored from public view.

The video of Building 7 collapsing upon its own footprint is a good place to start. Watching “Lucky” Larry Silverstein say he told the firefighters to “Pull the building,” is another. It also tells you what group is most responsible for what occurred.

The fact is that the American people have had almost 20 years to wake up since 9/11. It took me close to 5 to begin my awakening. And I’ve always been stubborn by nature.

By now, all that is left for a viable excuse is willful ignorance due to total indoctrination.
As a matter of fact, one of the greatest challenges of an awakening person is how not to despise virtually everyone around them. This is because we know that what they support is going to get us all killed.

For one who chooses not to continue burying my head in the sand, let me give you a couple of predictions that I believe will happen before this is over given our current trajectory. As usual, you can take it or leave it.

The order-followers so loved by the Right will turn upon their own with the enforcement of gun-confiscation. Who did you think was going to do it, the liberals?

I remember reading a graphic novel called “Sandman” by Neil Gaiman. He told a story of a serial killers convention. The killers were there to compare notes. As expected, each killer was able to give a number of reasons to justify his or her behavior. They were proud of themselves.

But the “Dream King” Morpheus comes in at the end to shatter their illusions. He tells them something like, “You will no longer be allowed to use my dream world to lie to yourselves but will be forced to face the truth of what you really are—and you will know how little that is.
The killers walked out of the convention with fear and uncertainty in their eyes. The blind supporters of these killers on command will have that same look when their day arrives.

I feel more sympathy for the Left and their unlimited immigration support and sanctuary cities as they at least mean to do the right thing. Endless wars supported by those on the Right have had much to do with bringing this to our door. But the immigrant masses will turn upon their American supporters once the electronic soup kitchen is shut down.

Our future is a bloody hell thanks to all of you brain-dead assholes still looking for a master to rule you. And there’s pretty much nothing the rest of us can do about it.

Willful Ignorance. The only epitaph America will need.