Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Trump Card

“You can shear a sheep a hundred times but you can skin it only once.” --Amarillo Slim, professional poker player.

Looking back at our previous presidents at least since JFK, it would be interesting to watch them sitting around a card table. Since they are all psychopaths, they would be masters of deception when attempting to sell what they had in their hands.

“Slick Willy” with his slow Southern drawl could usually bluff his way out of a poor hand—but not when he’s playing poker with this bunch.

They would know each other’s “tells” such as Nixon’s sweaty upper lip or the neuro-linguistic cadence of Obama’s lies.

Carter could regale them with tales of “Habitat for Humanity” and how his winnings would go to feed the poor. But then LBJ would tell him to knock it off as everyone at the table knows otherwise, especially the guy who brought us “The Great Society” which was the blueprint for the welfare state. This system has kept slavery in America in existence to this day. But currently, the poor are being cut off in order to subsidize the new working welfare recipients such as farmers and ranchers. Once they become dependent upon government hand-outs, they too will be phased out for the next migratory constituency who still have enough money left to be bled dry.

Howdy-Doody and W. can sit up straight so Cheney can hold them up with each hand. Trading guns for drugs brought back to our own streets and providing a cover-story for 9/11 makes them the jokers in the deck.

Gerald Ford no longer attends these games. He has skills at neither betting nor bluffing.

“Poppy” would rather attend the baseball games. He doesn’t like it that the new “upstart” keeps asking him questions like what was he doing at Dealey Plaza on that fateful day or telling him how his son Jeb is a wimp just like him in order to get him to make a bad bet.

Yes, the Trump card is the most difficult to read of them all. There is no rhyme or reason to his bets and raises and he has been known to fold on a good hand.

But now Trump has become the first to be thrown out of the group. The other players have discovered that he is being paid to lose while the money he spends is being taken from their profits.

It’s not that the rest of them see anything wrong with this as they have all been known to do the same themselves. It’s just that they feel he needs to learn to separate business from pleasure.

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