Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Conscious Rebel

From birth, we are all forced into a culture first brought to us by our parents; for those fortunate enough to remain with them. Their influence from religion to politics is pretty much everything we get at the beginning.

But soon the State takes over and teaches the student either everything the parents believe or nothing that they believe. Under the current indoctrination system, the child raised by conservative parents is being set up to rebel against them while the child of liberal parents is being set up to conform to their belief-system. It matters little which choice is made by the child or even if their beliefs make a 180-degree turn later down the line. As long as these beliefs are taken to extremes where one side blames the other for all of their problems then the goal has been accomplished.

Those growing up in a, shall we say, more structured environment soon learn that non-conformity could result in various forms of punishment. And conservative parents can use script-ure to back up all sorts of punishments.

But I’m not sure that kids growing up in a liberal household have it any better. Putting a boy in a plastic bubble with their play dates and lack of lessons learned the hard way results in the creation of a “gelatinous ball of protoplasm.” But at least the girls now get to be equal.

What we all have in common is that we risk the wrath of the group from the beginning if we don’t see things the same way they do. And since we haven’t a clue what other way of life could exist in our captive environment, what else can we do but conform?

So we chase after the shiny objects of this world and look the other way as life lessons taught by the invisible hand are ignored while they slap another coat of paint on a rusting out soul.

But for some of us, chasing imaginary success in a corrupt system where the only way to succeed is by fucking someone else over is no longer what we wish to follow. As it has been from the beginning, this is a lonely path and most who choose to follow it will receive very little encouragement along the way.

The only way for a slave to believe that they are free is by never having the guts to say “No!”

That’s not freedom.

As our overlords continue to play the extremist mind like a fiddle, the tautness of the strings will cause them to snap. This is leading to a very grim future.

If you don’t choose for yourself the way you wish to live someone else will choose it for you. As for myself, I would rather take a beating by this system than conform to it.

When I was younger, I spent years rebelling and then years conforming. I was unconscious in both states of mind.

A conscious rebel is the most dangerous person on earth to the tyrant.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Tree of Knowledge

It cannot be overstated the effect that the internet has had upon the minds of the masses. I consider it a veritable Tree of Knowledge where both good and evil reside—along with every shade of gray.

Had it not been for the information gleaned from the internet, I would probably still be like most who can’t see the shadow of the pot lid coming down upon them and then the heat being turned up full blast.

Once I started, I read everything and watched videos of anything I could get my hands on regarding 9/11. As the façade began to crumble mostly through extensive on-line research, I then made my way to investigating my religious beliefs. This study was well worth the effort, as I began to see that the beliefs concerning Armageddon are meant to act as a trigger for the Zionist Christian mind-slaves into bringing in their own hell on earth in hopes of dragging Jesus back here kicking and screaming to take them away from the source of their destruction.

They still think that they won’t receive the brunt of the consequences of their predatory behavior. What they don’t realize is that if there is no god of karma then there is no god at all.

I lost my desire to support any politician after the other illusions where shattered. I knew that I was only giving them the right to rule me. The lie that is education took awhile longer but those illusions were shattered also.

The internet can be used to either shatter or embrace our illusions and we use it for both, including allowing it to become the next vehicle for rampant consumerism.

Those who invented the internet gave it to us to be used as another weapon to control our minds. But in many ways, their plans backfired. Such concepts as natural law, uncovering repetitive Savior memes throughout history, discovering the many ways that we are being poisoned, underlying motives behind endless wars and where it will lead and similarities between manufactured polemic political parties are all things that can be learned on-line.

Partaking of the Tree of Knowledge can make us feel like gods. But only through the humility of facing the limitations of this knowledge acquired can we receive the revelations necessary to create a better world.

We don’t have to decide what to believe right away. Take in the information and let the truth or falseness of it come of its own accord.

And remember to spit out the seeds!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Trump Card

“You can shear a sheep a hundred times but you can skin it only once.” --Amarillo Slim, professional poker player.

Looking back at our previous presidents at least since JFK, it would be interesting to watch them sitting around a card table. Since they are all psychopaths, they would be masters of deception when attempting to sell what they had in their hands.

“Slick Willy” with his slow Southern drawl could usually bluff his way out of a poor hand—but not when he’s playing poker with this bunch.

They would know each other’s “tells” such as Nixon’s sweaty upper lip or the neuro-linguistic cadence of Obama’s lies.

Carter could regale them with tales of “Habitat for Humanity” and how his winnings would go to feed the poor. But then LBJ would tell him to knock it off as everyone at the table knows otherwise, especially the guy who brought us “The Great Society” which was the blueprint for the welfare state. This system has kept slavery in America in existence to this day. But currently, the poor are being cut off in order to subsidize the new working welfare recipients such as farmers and ranchers. Once they become dependent upon government hand-outs, they too will be phased out for the next migratory constituency who still have enough money left to be bled dry.

Howdy-Doody and W. can sit up straight so Cheney can hold them up with each hand. Trading guns for drugs brought back to our own streets and providing a cover-story for 9/11 makes them the jokers in the deck.

Gerald Ford no longer attends these games. He has skills at neither betting nor bluffing.

“Poppy” would rather attend the baseball games. He doesn’t like it that the new “upstart” keeps asking him questions like what was he doing at Dealey Plaza on that fateful day or telling him how his son Jeb is a wimp just like him in order to get him to make a bad bet.

Yes, the Trump card is the most difficult to read of them all. There is no rhyme or reason to his bets and raises and he has been known to fold on a good hand.

But now Trump has become the first to be thrown out of the group. The other players have discovered that he is being paid to lose while the money he spends is being taken from their profits.

It’s not that the rest of them see anything wrong with this as they have all been known to do the same themselves. It’s just that they feel he needs to learn to separate business from pleasure.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Paint It Black

If I were the Devil, the first thing I would do is take control of all religions so I could manipulate the minds of its followers.

I would create splinter-groups of each religion that would focus on certain script-ures while others remained in the darkness.

I would make the villains in these stories of the same nature but make the qualities of the heroes quite different.

I would create multiple gods with characteristics diametrically opposed in order to sow the seeds of cognitive dissonance as well as having a way to rationalize any behavior under the sun, including genocide of the innocent.

I would make it a religious belief to violate Natural Law by initiating aggression upon others in the name of god.

I would frighten the followers with eternal damnation for daring to question the storyline.

But above all, I would use every tool at my disposal to keep people living their lives from the outside in. If I could get them to discard their own inner knowing by losing themselves in the second-hand knowledge found in a book, my mission would be accomplished.